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The Collage

Detail of SCP-1803-1 from area that has remained consistent since containment. Objects have been dated circa. 193█

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-1803 is to be kept at Sector-23, suspended by steel cables from the ceiling of a secure 10m (w) x 25m (d) x 15m (h) item containment room. SCP-1803 is to be kept at least 1m from contact with the floors, walls or ceiling of its containment area. Cables suspending SCP-1803 should be no greater than 15mm in diameter and should be spaced no closer than 0.5m together at their anchor points. SCP-1803-1 is to be monitored continually for changes in content by security personnel with level 4 clearance. Changes in content shall be documented and forwarded to the Foundation Intelligence Analysis Department for assessment. Any experiments must be cleared with the Intelligence Analysis Department.

Absolutely no SCP decommissioning is to take place within a 10km radius of SCP-1803.


SCP-1803 is a section of a residential building originally located at [REDACTED] in ██████, Germany. The major portion of SCP-1803 includes an 18m length of exterior masonry wall 12m in height, the lower 3m of which is excavated foundation that had been originally below ground. Attached to the interior side of the wall section are portions of flooring from three levels of the original structure, as well as interior walls, doors, windows, and one complete half-bath. Approximately centered in the wall section is a 10m x 5m studio missing only one interior wall. Within the room is a stationary humanoid figure1 posed facing out of the room’s single window.

SCP-1803, including the humanoid figure, is completely covered by SCP-1803-1. SCP-1803-1 is a multimedia collage consisting of newspaper and magazine clippings, photographs, various textual elements, painted canvas, graffiti, toys, posters, sculptural elements, [REDACTED], and numerous other “found” objects. (see: Document CI-1803-A, Content Survey SCP-1803-1.) The majority of SCP-1803-1's surface area undergoes continual revision, replacing older elements of its content with new items. New items will appear to “grow” from beneath adjoining items, overlapping older elements until the older elements are completely covered. Despite this method of renewal, probes of SCP-1803-1 show that no one area of SCP-1803-1 is greater than █ layers thick despite observations that 80% of its surface area has been completely replaced ███ times since coming within Foundation custody. Approximately 20% of SCP-1803-1’s surface area does not undergo this renewal, consisting of three areas in the central room of SCP-1803 that have remained consistent since SCP-1803 was contained. (see: Document CI-1803-B, Consistent Elements of SCP-1803-1.)


Detail of SCP-1803-1 from area that has remained consistent since containment. Objects have been dated circa. 193█

Content identified in SCP-1803-1, aside from items directly incorporated due to contact with SCP-1803-1, is composed of elements that have been discarded or otherwise destroyed at some time prior to their incorporation. While approximately ██% of traceable new items have been confirmed to have been destroyed or discarded within a 10km radius of SCP-1803-1 within 12 months prior to incorporation, the remainder have no known limitations as to origin either temporally or geographically. SCP-1803-1 shows a marked bias toward works of art, photographs, and censored literature, which account for between 45% and 65% of its surface area at any one time. Much of the remainder will be random discarded objects distributed in a way that suggests commentary on SCP-1803-1’s content.2 About █% of SCP-1803-1 will consist of classified or otherwise secret documentation from a variety of sources, including the Foundation itself. To date, SCP-1803-1 has incorporated reports and memos from █ different national intelligence agencies, ██ different corporations, ██ different NGO’s, and █ Groups of Interest.

When any item contacts SCP-1803-1 at points with a combined cross-section greater than 400mm2 within a .25m2 area for a duration longer than 15 seconds, there will be one of two possible reactions from SCP-1803-1:

  • For large items of a structural nature (walls, floors, ceilings, support beams, masonry, pipes larger than 20mm in diameter, furniture, appliances, heavy machinery, and so on.) SCP-1803-1 will attach itself to the item and begin to grow over it, eventually incorporating it into the combined mass of SCP-1803.3
  • Other items will be drawn into SCP-1803-1 at the point of contact. No attempt to retrieve an item during this occurrence has met with success. At best, attempts have resulted in mechanical failure of the object at the point of contact with SCP-1803-1 and retention of the unincorporated portion. Within 24 hours, the object will re-emerge elsewhere as part of the composition of SCP-1803-1, usually in several pieces presented in some geometric arrangement.4
Addendum 1: