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The Minotaur

SCP-1800 in an inactive state prior to containment

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-1800 is stored in a restricted area of Sector-19. All accessways and rooms within a 200m radius of SCP-1800 shall be kept to authorized personnel only, and will be kept clear of unnecessary personnel during testing. Personnel authorized to be in the restricted area must not fit Profile Alpha-1800-1 (see: Addendum 2) or Profile Beta-1800-1 (see: Addendum 3) Testing is authorized on SCP-1800 with approval of the current project leader.


SCP-1800 is a bronze sculpture measuring 146cm in height. The casting appears identical to the work Le Minotaure by Salvador Dalí produced by the Valsuani foundry in 1982 with the following deviations:

  • Attempts to date the sculpture have been inconclusive, but suggest it was created at least ██ years prior to the earliest date of official casting at the Valsuani foundry. (This would also predate the first known Dali painting of the subject by █ years.)
  • The sculpture is missing a foundry mark and signature.
  • The small drawer above the inner right ankle is functional, and can be opened and closed.
  • Inside the drawer is an inscription absent from the official casting: Quin preu és la virtut.1 Inscription appears to have been engraved some time after casting.

SCP-1800 is typically in an inactive state during which it shows no anomalous properties. If some unit of minted currency is placed in the drawer in the lower right leg of the sculpture, and the drawer is closed, the contents of the drawer will disappear and SCP-1800 will enter a pending state.2


SCP-1800 in an inactive state prior to containment

When SCP-1800 is in a pending state it will appear inactive3 until a human subject fitting Profile Alpha-1800-1 or Profile Beta-1800-1 enters an area within a 167m radius of effect4 surrounding SCP-1800.

When a human subject fitting Profile Alpha-1800-1 enters the radius of effect while SCP-1800 is in a pending state, SCP-1800 will become active and move its right arm to point two fingers in the direction of the subject for approximately 15 seconds5. The subject is subsequently designated SCP-1800-1. After 15 seconds, SCP-1800 will return to its original pose. If any instance of SCP-1800-2 exists, SCP-1800 will also then return to an inactive state, otherwise its state will continue to be pending.

When a human subject fitting Profile Beta-1800-1 enters the radius of effect while SCP-1800 is in a pending state, SCP-1800 will become active and move its left arm to point three fingers in the direction of the subject for approximately 17 seconds.6 The subject is subsequently designated SCP-1800-2. After 17 seconds, SCP-1800 will return to its original pose. If any instance of SCP-1800-1 exists, SCP-1800 will also then return to an inactive state, otherwise its state will continue to be pending.

When any number of instances of SCP-1800-1 and SCP-1800-2 simultaneously exist, instances of SCP-1800-1 will seek out instances of SCP-1800-27 and initiate some form of ritualized interaction. After completion, the object(s) of this interaction will cease being designated as SCP-1800-2, and if there are no more remaining instances of SCP-1800-2, the initiator(s) of the interaction will cease being designated SCP-1800-1. The specific nature of the interaction initiated by SCP-1800-1 is determined by the type of currency used prior to SCP-1800 selecting SCP-1800-1.

Addendum 1:
Addendum 2:
Addendum 3:
Addendum 4: