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Slightly Radioactive Lightbulb

SCP-1703 photographed shortly after recovery

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-1703 may be kept in a 35cm x 35cm x 35cm fiberglass cube with walls at least 8mm thick that is padded with a thick layer of black industrial foam on the outside. The interior of the cube is to be painted black with an opaque paint. The cube may be opened and closed with a metallic hinge mechanism. It may be kept locked with a simple combination lock and stored in secure storage among other Safe SCPs. X-ray analysis may be conducted on the object at any time, as long as it remains within the box, and the box is not opened. Experiments which involve removing SCP-1703 from its container require approval from the Site Director.


SCP-1703 is similar in appearance to a lit 60W incandescent light bulb. It was recovered from the wreckage of ██████ Cold Springs Fitness Centre following Incident 1703-1. An employee of the club that was absent during Incident 1703-1 reported that the object was already noted among the staff for being apparently impossible to turn off, but this was attributed to faulty wiring rather than any anomalous properties. Due to the object being located in a high-traffic area, a decision was made to leave it alone until it burned out.

Despite its appearance, SCP-1703 is not a light bulb at all as it seems to lack any visible filament. Access to electricity has no observable effect on its function. The source of its glow is a walnut-shaped core which has been determined to emit small amounts of radiation across the whole electromagnetic spectrum, the strongest being in the visible light range. SCP-1703 weighs exactly as much as an ordinary light bulb of its size without filament. Little else is known about it at this time as it is difficult to determine the core's features and composition without destructive testing. Site Director's note: Attempts to remove the core from inside its hull are expressly prohibited at this time.

SCP-1703's anomalous effect acts on most solid and opaque objects illuminated directly by its visible light for at least 3 minutes and 17 seconds; materials transparent to visible light seem to be immune. Affected objects undergo a 2-week period within which they will lose up to 20% of their weight, despite not actually losing any mass. Approx. once every six months, SCP-1703's glow rapidly intensifies into a brief, intense flash. All objects caught in the flash that were previously affected by SCP-1703 appear to become inversely affected by gravity — they "fall upwards", accelerating and reaching terminal velocity as a regular object of a similar mass would in free-fall. Due to being repelled by all gravitational fields, such objects eventually leave Earth's atmosphere and the Solar System.

SCP-1703 is completely immune to its own effect.