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Circus Contraption

Due to the fire at the recovery site, only one sheet of schematics remains legible.

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-1695-1 is to be kept in a Type 31A storage vault within the eastern wing of Site-18. Any testing performed on SCP-1695-1 should be supervised by research personnel specializing in items created by GoI-192. Evidence discovered at SCP-1695-1's recovery site is to be kept in the western wing of Site-18 and is available for examination by any personnel with a clearance level of 2 or higher.


SCP-1695-1 is a large mechanism constructed from a black metal alloy of unknown composition.1 The material displays an anomalous level of durability; consequently, all attempts to dismantle the device have proven unsuccessful. SCP-1695-1 is irregularly shaped, possessing a 2m by 2.6m rectangular base which arcs upwards in a semicircle that stands roughly 1.5m at its tallest point. At the rear of the device is a control panel with a number of buttons and switches that serve to operate the device; at the front end is a circular array of flat metal plates.

When SCP-1695-1 is activated via its control panel, the circular formation at the device's front end will dilate in a manner similar to an aperture. Viewing the interior of the device from the opening reveals an enclosed chamber walled with the same metal as the device's exterior. The interior wall of the chamber bears a number of irregularly-shaped indentations. It is believed that when the front end of the device is opened, the instruments responsible for SCP-1695-1's primary anomalous effects are retracted into the inaccessible portion of the device's interior.

When a human subject enters SCP-1695-1's exposed front chamber feet first, the circular array of plates will automatically close around the subject's torso. The device will only close far enough as necessary for restricting the subject's range of movement and preventing escape; subjects typically bear only minimal scarring from lacerations caused by the device's closing. Once trapped by SCP-1695-1, the subject will undergo a transformation into SCP-1695-2.

The following is a list of stages in the conversion process. As it is unknown what transformations–if any–the enclosed lower half of a subject undergoes, only the alterations to subjects' visible upper bodies will be listed.


Person of interest 1695-B, alleged creator of SCP-1695-1.

  • The subject's distal phalanges recede into the lower portions of the digits, followed by the intermediate and proximal phalanges,2 leaving the subject without fingers.
  • What remains of the subject's hands recedes into the arms, which similarly recede into the subject's torso.
  • Hair, ears, and nose recede into the subject's face, followed by any other defining facial features. The exception to this is the subject's eyes, which remain fully functional and normally sized. Subjects remain capable of making vocalizations; however, their capacity for speech is severely impeded by the lack of a mouth and facial muscles needed to properly articulate.
  • The subject's torso swells and elongates. Muscle and bone definition is lost at this phase as the body takes on a more rounded shape.
  • The neck recedes into what is left of the subject's shoulders. At this stage, the subject resembles a fleshy cylinder with two eyes on a rounded end.
  • The subject expands in size until the cylindrical torso is roughly 1m in diameter and 3m in length. The metallic array will slowly dilate to compensate for the subject's increasing circumference.
  • Flat plates of keratin3 begin to protrude from the side of the subject's body that is angled to the sky. The protrusions are always evenly spaced and set at an angle perpendicular to the length of the cylinder body.
  • The subject's skin secretes an adhesive chemical compound of anomalous composition. Once an organism or object has been in contact with the compound for longer than one minute, it cannot be detached until a counter-adhesive has been secreted.
  • SCP-1695-1 will play a prerecorded message (see Recording Log 1) followed by a selection of popular circus compositions.

Once this process is complete, SCP-1695-1's control panel can be used to elongate SCP-1695-2 further. Testing has shown no limitation to the distance SCP-1695-2 can extend. The device also allows for control over SCP-1695-2's direction: operators can cause SCP-1695-2 to extend at any angle, including upwards at a customizable incline without the need for support. If SCP-1695-2 is about to collide with a solid surface, it will automatically compensate its trajectory to either avoid the obstacle or travel along the obstacle's surface. The speed at which SCP-1695-2 elongates is adjustable with a max speed of 30 km/h.

This phenomenon will continue until the individual operating SCP-1695-1 chooses to reverse the process, causing SCP-1695-2 to recede in the same pattern of movements as it had elongated. Once this has occurred, SCP-1695-2 will excrete a counter-adhesive, releasing any physical matter attached to it. SCP-1695-1 will temporary cease playing music at this point and play a prerecorded message (see Recording Log 2).

When SCP-1695-1 is deactivated, SCP-1695-2 will be returned to its original humanoid state and released. Subjects who have undergone conversion into SCP-1695-2 will bear significant scarring on the lower body and varying levels of psychological trauma.

Recording Log:

Recording Log 1

Hey there, folks! Hop on Meaty the Meatworm's back and get ready for the ride of your life! Please keep your backs firmly against Meaty's nail plates to prevent injury. For your safety, Meaty's sweat will stick you in place so you don't fall off! Don't worry, Moms – it's stain-free! Be sure to hold on to your hats, glasses, and any other loose items, and enjoy the ride!

Recording Log 2

Thank you for riding Herman Fuller's Meatworm Coaster! Be sure to stop by the No Mouth And Ice Must Cream sweet parlor and pick up a handmade Meatworm figurine on your way out! Have a disquieting day!