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Mercy in the Storm

Object Class: Esoteric

An instance of SCP-1652-1 inside SCP-1652.

Special Containment Procedures

Due to the immobility of SCP-1652, a perimeter of 30 meters is to be secured around SCP-1652, under the guise of training grounds for military purposes. The perimeter of SCP-1652 is to be surrounded by a 3-meter barbwire fence. Access to SCP-1652 is to be authorized by Level 4 personnel. Instances of SCP-1652-1 are to be treated accordingly, then released.


SCP-1652 is a field near Dresden, Tennessee, coordinates 36.281238,-88.684582. SCP-1652 itself shows no immediate anomalous properties. During a period of four hours each day, gunshots and explosions will be heard within a 15 meter radius of SCP-1652. The sounds have no discernible source, and cannot be picked up by electronic devices.

SCP-1652 is filled with Lolium perenne (Ryegrass), that shows no anomalous properties. Cutting the grass at a length of 0.7 meters or lower will cease anomalous activity in that area. Grass removed and regrown outside of SCP-1652 shows no anomalous properties.

SCP-1652-1 refers to a variety of wild dogs that live inside SCP-1652. Any attempt to find instances of SCP-1652-1 has resulted in failure, unless anomalous properties have already taken effect. Instances of SCP-1652-1 will appear as a number of dog breeds, and only larger breeds of dogs have been observed.

After the four hour cycle of gunshots and explosions in SCP-1652, instances of SCP-1652-1 will exit SCP-1652. Up to twelve instances of SCP-1652-1 have been observed during this time. Instances of SCP-1652-1 who leave SCP-1652 will show symptoms and wounds correlating to weapons used during World War I.

Injuries on instances of SCP-1652-1 include:


Bullet extracted from an instance of SCP-1652-1

  • Bullet holes including ammunition
  • Lead poisoning
  • respiratory inflammation caused by mustard gas exposure
  • A number of irritated blisters
  • Stab wounds correlating with bayonets

Bullets found inside instances of SCP-1652-1 are extremely corroded, and show no signs of being shot at any recent time. Bullets recovered are consistent with ammunition commonly used during World War I.

Instances of SCP-1652-1 show no biological anomalies, and will wander around SCP-1652 until exsanguination occurs or treatment has been applied. Instances of SCP-1652-1 who are treated for wounds will attempt to escape into SCP-1652.
Autopsy of deceased instances of SCP-1652-1 show no differentiation from normal domesticated dogs. Instances of SCP-1652-1 appear to average around six years of age.

After a period of 2 days outside of SCP-1652, an instance of SCP-1652-1 will begin to decompose, typically expiring after 15 to 21 hours. State of decay over 3 days is equivalent to ██ years of elapsed time. Decaying instances of SCP-1652-1 show extreme discomfort until provided with the chance to return to SCP-1652.


SCP-1652-2 ██ hours after discovery

Incident Report 1652-1:
At █/██/19██, a man wearing a British pattern service dress uniform fled SCP-1652. This instance is to be referred to as SCP-1652-2. SCP-1652-2 carried a Short Magazine Lee-Enfield Mk III along with a Webley revolver. SCP-1652-2 bore several injuries, including broken bones, gunshot wounds, and blisters. SCP-1652-2 was reluctant to give information, but revealed that he was deployed to ██████, France. SCP-1652-2 began to deteriorate in health as he began to decompose at a rate █6% faster than instances of SCP-1652-1. SCP-1652-2 expired within 5 hours of recovery.