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Culture Generator

Special Containment Procedures

The area containing SCP-1607 is to be surrounded by a perimeter of three (3) meter tall electrical fencing, which is to be patrolled by security personnel. No individuals manifested by SCP-1607's anomalous properties are to be allowed to leave SCP-1607.

Upon the manifestation of a new population, if it is judged safe, a diplomatic envoy is to be sent into SCP-1607 to discourage the population from leaving SCP-1607 for the duration of the month. An armed response is to be prepared for the beginning of each month in order to combat any potentially hostile populations.


SCP-1607 is a settlement located in Southwest Alaska, the appearance, size and residing population of which changes radically at periodic intervals. It has shown the potential to range in form from a small series of tribal villages to a settlement the size of a large town. The architectural style and culture of SCP-1607 typically bears little resemblance to any known civilization, although on occasion it has presented itself as a deviation of a historical one.

At the beginning of each month, SCP-1607 will generate a new settlement, changing its own size, architectural style and the societal structure of its population. The topography of the region surrounding SCP-1607 has also been known to change, although this is a rare occurrence. At the end of each month, this new settlement will spontaneously disappear only to be replaced by a newly generated one. As of yet, SCP-1607 has not manifested the same settlement twice.

It is currently unknown if SCP-1607 is actually transporting existing settlements via what could be extra-dimensional means or simply altering itself to present the illusion of different cultures. Individuals generated by SCP-1607 claim that this first explanation is correct and have on occasion provided a wide range of information regarding their 'home' civilization (See Interview 1607-1), but there is no way to verify that this information is actually true.

Settlement Log 1607-1:

A record of SCP-1607's monthly alterations taken over the year 2009. The following is a brief summary. For more in depth information about a generated settlement, see Document 1607-09.

Month Settlement Information
January A culture based upon the concepts of human sacrifice and prosthetic enhancement. Architecture showed considerable influence from the historical Aztec civilization. The culture showed a similar level of technology to that civilization, apart from in the field of prosthesis, where they showed considerable prowess.
February A population of warlike tribal mathematicians. It considered the solving of complex equations as both a show of strength and as a proving ritual for youth. Despite their mathematical prowess, they displayed primitive levels of technology and so their initial aggression only caused negligible disruption to containment.
March A culture based around the worship of artificial polymers, which was also their main building material. The factories in SCP-1607 producing these were considered holy places by the temples. A mannequin was presented to the culture as a diplomatic gift, which they accepted.
April A population which purported to be ruled by the corpse of their leader, who had apparently been dead for several hundred years. In efforts to mimic their leader, many individuals inside SCP-1607 dressed in rotting clothes and wore cosmetics to make themselves more corpselike. Being buried alive was considered to be a great honor extended to the elderly and sick, and was strictly voluntary.
May A settlement in which the successor to a deceased ruler would adopt their name and go through cosmetic surgery in order to resemble that ruler. During manifestation, the culture was experiencing a crisis in which the twin brother of the previous ruler, who resembled them without the use of cosmetic surgery, was disputing the claim of the lawful successor to leadership of the culture. Some hostile action was required to prevent disruption of containment.
June A population devoted to the building of massive wooden structures, followed by the burning of said structures as a sacrifice to their gods. Painful burns were considered to be a mark of class. Criminals were executed via drowning.
July A population devoted to worshiping other members of said culture. Individuals would pray and offer sacrifices to other individuals, while these acts were performed for them by others. Every building in SCP-1607 was considered a temple to an individual member of the population.
August A population which purported to be highly peaceful and pacifistic. Structures and clothing were made from the byproducts of the naturally deceased, while those who did not follow the culture's laws were dropped into one of several pits located in SCP-1607.
September A population devoted to the worship of three-hundred and sixty five (365) different deities. Each day was considered to be a different holy day, each requiring several different rituals to be performed. The population appeared to be suffering from exhaustion at the time of manifestation.
October A population which considered the sense of sight to be sinful, and so blinded all citizens on their fifth birthday. Religious leaders came to a power through a process where they underwent surgery to render themselves deaf as well as blind. As a diplomatic gift, the population of SCP-1607 presented the diplomatic envoy with a box of human eyeballs, claiming that it was 'proof of their sanctity'.
November A population which apparently considered anything that was not part of the culture to be nonexistent. During the sending of a diplomatic envoy, all individuals the envoy attempted to contact ignored them and averted their gaze.
December A population of primitive tribesmen who repeatedly asked envoys why they had lost contact with 'The Ones in the Skies'. They resided in simple wooden huts and used primitive tools. After several hours of this questioning, the tribesmen resolved to wait for 'The Ones in the Skies' and gathered in a primitive meeting hall. They remained in this meeting hall for several days, neglecting their bodily needs until they eventually died of thirst.