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The Dunne of Gallen


Special Containment Procedures

Protocol G-3-16 (containment of geographically immobile anomaly) is to be followed, with a containment perimeter established no closer than 5km to the path of SCP-1567-3. Personnel stationed at the perimeter are to adhere to Protocol G-3-18 (operation within a hazardous environment, ionising radiation, level 6). Civilians attempting to cross the perimeter are to be deterred and/or detained as necessary. Use of deadly force is prohibited for any instance of SCP-1567-2 originating from within the perimeter.

A no-fly zone is in effect over SCP-1567, out to a range of 26km, monitored by the Foundation radar and communication station at Sector-25 (supported by equipment at outposts OP-1567-01 to 17), with additional enforcement provided by co-operation with the British Royal Air Force (Foundation-UK treaty article 1948).

Section 492 of the Foundation disinformation worm "PaTH-L33" is tasked with the expungement of the measurement of radiation levels at the SCP-1567 site by any non-Foundation asset. Standard operating eavesdrop protocols include provisions for detection of information breaches.

Any change of conditions that suggests a contradiction of the statements made by SCP-1567-2 in Document SCP-1567-GS ("Cordiality of the People of Gallington") has occurred, or is likely to occur, is to be considered a warning of potential containment breach, and must be reported to the current designated Sector-25 facility head.


SCP-1567 is the collective term for the town of Gallington (SCP-1567-1), its population (SCP-1567-2), and the SCP-1567-3 phenomenon.

SCP-1567-1 is a small mining town located within Cairngorms National Park, Scotland. Its outskirts are circled by a 22.4km length narrow gauge railway, appearing to relate to a closed coal mine and derelict coal yard situated to the north-east and south-west of the town. No motor vehicles have been observed within SCP-1567-1, despite the presence of modern metalled roads, line markings and signage supporting their use. SCP-1567-1 has no observable supply of food, fuel, electricity or water, although regular use of all of these has been observed within SCP-1567-1.

SCP-1567-2 are the human inhabitants of SCP-1567-1, so far believed to be non-anomalous, aside from the unknown means of their present survival, with an estimated population of 1,120 (2009). Limited communication with SCP-1567-2 has been established via electric light semaphore, and continues on an intermittent basis, with SCP-1567-2 refusing all requests for alternative communication methods.

SCP-1567-3 is a British Rail Class-365 electric train bearing the number ██████ (matching a train currently in service with █████ ███████ ███████) that continuously travels the railway line surrounding SCP-1567-1 in a clockwise direction, usually maintaining a speed of 131.5km/h. Significant deviations from this speed have been observed, with current maximum and minimum observed speeds of 288.4km/h and 6.9km/h, coinciding with potential intrusions through the perimeter in either direction, invariably resulting in the close proximity of SCP-1567-3 and the intruder. No known explanation accounts for SCP-1567-3's means of propulsion, given the lack of overhead electrical supply and the disparity between the gauge of the train and the track. SCP-1567-3's interior lights emit visible white light at a combined estimated output of 15,457,000 lumens, and gamma radiation with a frequency of 10.3 exahertz. The dose level at 10m range has been measured at 81.78Sv/h. Exposure to SCP-1567-3 typically results in non-anomalous symptoms of acute radiation syndrome.

The earliest record suggesting an anomalous nature to the area dates from 1494, in the sealed ledgers of ████████ abbey (which also contained the earliest known reference to SCP-████), which describes the "Beaste of Dunne" terrorising the village of Gallen.

Following the identification of SCP-1567-3 as a locomotive in 1826, ███ ██████ established the "Locomotive Assessment Attaché", tasked with determining whether SCP-1567-3's properties extended to other instances of the emerging technology. The Foundation successor to this task force was closed in 1998, following the identification of SCP-1567-3's non-anomalous counterpart.

Incident SCP-1567-01/01/1962.
At 00:31, a male human of approximately 12 years of age, later confirmed as an instance of SCP-1567-2 and designated SCP-1567-2-1, was observed approaching outpost 15 from the direction of SCP-1567-1. SCP-1567-2-1 was intercepted and challenged by the guard on duty, but gave no response and was detained. SCP-1567-2-1 lapsed into unconsciousness and expired shortly afterwards, without having responded to questioning. Autopsy confirmed the cause of death to be acute radiation syndrome, and found SCP-1567-2-1 and its clothing to be non-anomalous. A typewritten document was found within SCP-1567-2-1's clothing, later becoming the basis for Document SCP-1567-GS (Initial statement 1962).