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Instructions to a Twin-Screw Extruder

Entrance to Sogsagim cave system prior to Expedition 1538-1

Special Containment Procedures

Instances of SCP-1538 are cataloged and filed in the Site-23 Archives, and may be accessed with clearance from the Research Director. A compendium of transcribed SCP-1538 text is available through the Site-23 ADONIS secure sub-network.

All reports concerning suicides filed by law enforcement agencies in the Daejeon metropolitan area are to be clandestinely monitored by regional Foundation assets for evidence of SCP-1538 instances. In the event of a resumption of SCP-1538 manifestations, subsequent investigations are to be turned over to Foundation operatives using the established cover of National Police Agency Task Force Wae, a special unit within the South Korean law enforcement structure.

As of ██/██/2010 and the conclusion of Exploration 1538-1, access to the Sogsagim cave system in Hallasan National Park is closed to all personnel and civilians. A security perimeter is to be maintained under the auspices of a long-term ecological restoration project. Any unusual activity near the Exploration 1538-1 initial entry point is to be immediately considered a medium-risk containment breach event, subject to established response protocols.


SCP-1538 is a collection of fifteen documents that appeared between 07/29/2008 and 02/11/2010, transcribed as suicide notes by fifteen separate individuals. Despite confirmation by Foundation investigators of no existing relationships between any of the fifteen individuals, each suicide note left behind by these individuals contains a portion of a unified narrative. In all cases, SCP-1538 instances consist of specialized technical instructions interspersed with personal sentiments consistent with a suicide note.

All individuals responsible for instances of SCP-1538 resided within 80 km of the city of Daejeon, South Korea, most having maintained residence in the district of Jung-gu. Two individuals resided in the Yuseong-gu district, while one was a long-term patient in the city's Taejon Shinsaeng mental health facility. No anomalous factors appear to have contributed to suicides: Review of law enforcement and personal records indicate that in each case, financial distress, troubled interpersonal relationships, untreated mental illness, or other commonly cited motivations for self-harm were responsible for each individual's decision to take their own life. The fifteen authors of SCP-1538 demonstrate no clear demographic similarities, and vary in gender, age, profession, socioeconomic status, family background, and all other observable traits.

When combined, the entirety of SCP-1538 instances (with the exception of Note 4) form a technical manual for the operation of a twin-screw extruder machine of unknown manufacture (hereafter SCP-1538-1). Note 4 contains GPS coordinates indicating a previously undiscovered access point to the Sogsagim cave system, within which SCP-1538-1 was discovered during Exploration 1538-1.