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Object Class: Esoteric

Special Containment Procedures

Read and recognize these as proper containment procedures.

User Recognition:1 Confirmed.




Item #: SCP-1463

Object Class: Keter

Personnel Requirements: Personnel assigned to SCP-1463 must be capable of recognizing their surrounding environment.

Position Designation: Office/Foundation

Facility ID: Unknown

User Certainty Percentage: 0%

Location Security Status: Pending

Special Containment Procedures: Read the following information.

Description: [REDACTED]


Item #: SCP-1463

Threat Level: Orange

Object Class: Keter

Personnel Requirements: Personnel assigned to SCP-1463 must be capable of describing their surrounding environment.

Personnel Report 1463/01: The following is a list of items in the office:

  • Metal desk, positioned against the wall
  • Chair, placed at the desk
  • Computer and computer monitor on the desk, the latter currently displaying this file
  • Standard Foundation-issued pistol by the monitor
  • Ammunition box, placed next to the desk
  • Three broken autoinjectors on the floor, two surrounded by puddles of a translucent substance
  • Numerous manuals and books covering the floor
  • Bookshelf positioned in front of the door
  • Metal door bar lock, largely obscured by the bookshelf
  • Text on a wall, painted over with black paint
  • Tipped over bucket of black paint and blood
  • Unknown

Unknown Item Recognition Index: N/A (Item not present)


Unknown Item Recognition Index: 0 (Unrecognizable)

Special Containment Procedures: Read the following information.

Description: [REDACTED]


Item #: SCP-1463-A

Unknown Item Details: A monolithic structure with an unclear shape, apparently tall enough to phase through the ceiling.

Details Revision 1: Patterns of spirals with arachnid limbs.

Details Revision 2: A network of fibers that are connecting to every object within the office. Eyes line each one.

Details Revision 3: Portions of my grey matter.

Special Containment Procedures: Protocol MESA-ALEPH must be performed for the containment of SCP-1463-A. Protocol MESA-ALEPH is as follows:

  1. Retrieve the pistol.
  2. Raise the pistol.
  3. Aim the pistol at your forehead.
  4. Pull the trigger.
  5. Pull the trigger.
  6. Pull the trigger.
  7. Aim the pistol away from your body once the trigger has been pulled.
  8. Load one bullet into the pistol.
  9. Turn to face SCP-1463-A.
  10. Fire into SCP-1463-A.

Description: SCP-1463-A is a component of SCP-1463 that exhibits a weak antimemetic effect. Its method of hunting is by allowing itself to be perceived by a subject, which enables it to begin integrating with the subject's consciousness until the consciousness is entirely consumed. As SCP-1463-A and the subject are connected during the process, events perceived by the subject as potentially harmful or lethal will be perceived as such by SCP-1463-A, which can force it to stop the integration process.

The entity is presently neutralized, though its presence is a sign of SCP-1463 manifestation.



Item #: SCP-1463

Object Class: █████████████ ████████

Threat Level: Orange

Containment Class: Keter-Approaching

Personnel Report 1463/02: Below is a torn manual page, found on the floor. Text written in pencil is rendered in italics.

Mnestics Administration and Use Guide

Journal compromised — second best option

AV 1. Procure a sterile autoinjector from the mnestics case. Check the blue tab near its base; if the tab is instead red then it has been used before. If this is an autoinjector you have only used on yourself then this should not be important. If not, then retrieve a different autoinjector. Broke intercom speaker. Won't let what happened to Qoppa-4 repeat

OI 2. Load the autoinjector. To do this, open the black cap on the autoinjector and attach it to the the connector on the mnestics container you have.1 bullet fired, 6 bullets left Press the green button on the autoinjector and it will automatically load with a safe dose. Detach from the connector when1 bullet fired, 15 bullets 2 bullets fired, 4 left the bar on the autoinjector is entirely green. God damn amnestics are being eaten. Couldn't hide them behind the bookshelf. It's becoming the damn amnestics and I keep forgetting to do anything about it2

Someone was banging on the door and wanted to come in. I knew not to trust them when their voice went inside-out

DF 3. [ILLEGIBLE: Covered in black paint] then press down on the red button [ILLEGIBLE: Covered in black paint] Memetic vectors hidden. Keep reading and grab some food from cafeteria (left turn, right turn, directly forward) when coast is clear.


IL 4. [ILLEGIBLE: Covered in black paint] Whoever wrote this file can fuck themselves

Power keeps going off, lights are flickering like all hell wrong lights

E 5. Avert your eyes from any objects that were not previously present in your vicinity. These are likely [ILLEGIBLE: Covered in black paint] Contact a containment [ILLEGIBLE: Covered in black paint] Paint hides vector, paint hides prey

[ILLEGIBLE: Covered in black paint]

Prepared by the Antimemetics Division — Site-41

The page was recovered after I fled into the office. The original file for SCP-1463 was open when I entered. The subject who had previously occupied this area is presumably dead.

Facility ID: Site-41

User Certainty Percentage: 90%

Location Security Status: Compromised

Nearest Exit Integrity Score: Pending

Foundation Intranet Message Class: Emergency/Request

Message Status: Sent

NOTICE FOR ALL SCP-1463 RESEARCHERS: In emergency scenarios communication may not always be possible, such as if an antimemetic anomaly is being applied to most forms of communication.

Special Containment Procedures: Read the following information.

Description: [REDACTED]


Item #: SCP-1463

Object Class: In███a█a██ou█ █r██at█r

Threat Level: Orange

Containment Class: Keter-Arriving

Noise Position: Door

Clarified Noise Position: Outside the office, at the door


Door Bar Lock Class: Neutralized

Bookshelf Class: Neutralized

Door Class: Thaumiel (pending reclassification)

Door Integrity Value: 50 (Medium)

Sound Intensity Level: Red

Bullet Supply Count: 3

Door Integrity Value: 41 (Medium)

Bullet Supply Count: 2

Door Integrity Value: 36 (Low)

Bullet Supply Count: 1

Door Integrity Value: 20 (Very Low)

Bullet Supply Count: 0

Door Integrity Value: 20 (Very Low)

Special Containment Procedures: Read the following information.

Description: ██████████


Item #: SCP-1463

Object Class: Infohazardous Predator

Threat Level: Orange

Containment Class: Keter-Intruding

Personnel Requirements: Personnel assigned to SCP-1463 must be capable of recognizing and securing all entrances to their location, which includes the ventilation duct.



Containment Class: Office

Special Containment Procedures: Hide under the desk.

Description: Unclear; obscured by surroundings.


Object Luminosity Level: High

Light-Induced Pain Index: 7 (High)

Local Pareidolia Presence Value: 100 (Very High)

Object Persuasion Capacity: Black

Ocular Status: CLOSED

. . .

. . .

. . .

Outside Awareness Threshold: Low

Noise Class: White Noise/Screeching

. . .

. . .

. . .

Ocular Status: Opened

Containment Class: Undetermined-Exited

. . .

. . .

. . .

NOTICE FOR ALL SCP-1463 RESEARCHERS: All versions of this file have not physically or digitally existed. When you first opened this document you viewed a specially designed cognitohazard, which implanted a memetic entity (Oz-Ω2) into your head. Using techniques based on the Memetics Division's Project Radix, Oz-Ω2 can create documents that exist in a purely informational sense, drawing both from base data in Oz-Ω2 and your thoughts on the events you are experiencing. This document serves as a way to rationalize your thoughts when faced with dangerous antimemetic and memetic threats, such as SCP-1463, which can be the best method of survival.

The encounter you just had with SCP-1463 in this office should let you understand how useful Oz-Ω2 will be. In any other circumstances your mind should be wholly consumed by SCP-1463 after you learned of it, but by using this document you kept enough semblance of sanity about you to try fighting back (door barricades will never be useful against it, though, so don't rely on them — it always finds another way in).

Only view this document when you can mentally project its existence onto a tangible format, such as imagining the document to be existing on a piece of paper or computer terminal, with any changes you imagine making perceived as you writing or typing them respectively. Failing to do so risks destabilizing the memes being used, which would cause potentially lethal mental harm. Human minds better comprehend the physical world than abstract concepts.

Special Containment Procedures: Oz-Ω2 will begin guiding you to Provisional Site-33, where you will be protected from further SCP-1463 encounters and provided with new mission objectives.

Normally this file is hidden in Foundation databases and marked as deleted (serving as the best method of containment for SCP-1463 yet), but since several major breaches of antimemetic anomalies are in progress (including one at your location) it was decided to send the file to get researchers to safety. Research Team 1463 apologizes for exposure to SCP-1463, but the information on the anomaly attached to Oz-Ω2's document would cause exposure in all cases, and we have found no way to remove it that won't compromise Oz-Ω2. No other documents with an entity like Oz-Ω2 have been developed yet.

Do not go to others for help. Doing so risks exposing other subjects to information on SCP-1463. Avoid amnestics as well — they will not make SCP-1463 forget you. When SCP-1463 manifests again, resume reading this file. Until you arrive at Provisional Site-33, you are alone.

Description: You know all you can know at this time. Proceed to Provisional Site-33 and do not stop moving.

Good luck.