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Still of SCP-1447-1 during Containment Breach 1447-02

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-1447-1's current containment unit comprises an airtight 2.5m x 2.5m x 2.5m concrete container, reinforced with 6cm ablative steel plating and suspended within Bay 4. The cell exterior is to be inspected daily and any damage reported immediately. Dented or otherwise structurally compromised plating is to be patched; a reserve of replacement steel plate of the appropriate gauge is to be maintained at 30 square metres. Discovery of any hole or crack in the plating should be considered a breach of containment and SCP-1447-2's quarters are to be immediately secured.

SCP-1447-2 is confined to his quarters, the location of which relative to SCP-1447-1's containment unit has been selected to minimise possible interaction between SCP-1447-1 and other Euclid and Keter-class SCPs as well as incorporating blast-proof screens and chokepoints to be employed in the event of a breach. Reasonable requests from SCP-1447-2 may be granted with the exception of any item which could facilitate external communication. SCP-1447-2 may be consulted by maintenance staff on issues relevant to his primary area of expertise - however, following Containment Breach 1447-01, SCP-1447-2 is no longer granted freedom of the facility.

SCP-1447-2 is to spend at least 4 hours a day meditating on the following topics: 'SCP-1447-1 is getting weaker', 'SCP-1447-1 is dying', 'SCP-1447-1 is unable to maintain physical form'. Any qualified practitioners of Tibetan Buddhism on-site are instructed to participate in these sessions. Topics which could imply a containment breach such as 'SCP-1447-1 is going away', 'SCP-1447-1 is being reabsorbed into my mind' or similar are not to be employed. Failure by SCP-1447-2 to comply with this procedure is punishable by removal of requested items and privileges.


Although current containment measures and the speeds at which SCP-1447-1 typically move make close observation impossible, initial recovery and SCP-1447-1's numerous breach attempts have substantiated eyewitness reports of its appearance. SCP-1447-1 is a quasi-physical humanoid entity resembling an Asian male in traditional Tibetan Buddhist monastic garb; its face is visually distorted and indistinct, even when viewed on high-speed footage.

SCP-1447-1 typically remains in constant motion - frequently in excess of 200kph - for approximately 20 hours a day, which time is chiefly spent attacking the interior of its cell. Reinforcing SCP-1447-1's containment unit with hardened steel plating has been successful in reducing the incidence of breaches but has not proven totally immune to SCP-1447-1's efforts. SCP-1447-1 is very capable of exploiting small breaches in its containment unit and is able to insert itself through apertures as small as 200µm in diameter.

SCP-1447-1 is largely resistant to standard-issue sidearms - higher caliber munitions appear to temporarily disrupt SCP-1447-1's physical form, causing it distress, and have been effective at forcing it back into containment. High explosives have proven effective at completely dissipating SCP-1447-1; however, when attacked in this manner SCP-1447-1 has shown the capacity to rematerialise anywhere in the immediate vicinity, ignoring any intervening barriers. Furthermore, during Breach 1447-05 SCP-1447-1 apparently goaded security personnel into employing explosives near the containment area of SCP-████, resulting in an additional breach event.

Attempts at communication with the entity to determine sentience remain inconclusive - although SCP-1447-1 responds to questions its vocalisations are largely unintelligible; analysis has revealed them to be garbled versions of mantras in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, repeated hundreds of times a second. SCP-1447-1 is not implacably hostile to human life and remains focused on reaching and killing SCP-1447-2. However, Foundation personnel who attempt to impede its progress are subject to attack and if frustrated in its efforts it has been observed to become indiscriminately violent.

SCP-1447-2 is a 5█-year-old Caucasian male who claims to be ███████ ████, a computer hardware and software entrepreneur of some note. SCP-1447-2 has been unable to explain the continued activity in the public eye of his namesake, a figure who shares SCP-1447-2's alleged identity and life history, but has speculated that he may be an imposter hired by his business associates. His counterpart is to be kept under surveillance by Foundation personnel as another possibility is that either SCP-1447-2 or his counterpart is an entity similar to SCP-1447-1.

Recovery Log 1447

SCP-1447-2 claims that a lamasery allegedly located in Qinghai province, China provided him with the location of Site-73 and arrived there on ██/██/████ seeking sanctuary from what he described as a 'tulpa' (see Interview 1447-21). Two days later Site-73 came under repeated attack by SCP-1447-1, resulting in the deaths of two Agents. SCP-1447-2 was evacuated via plane and the attacks immediately ceased.

SCP-1447-2 was transported to London and subsequently moved to Site-60 - SCP-1447-1 took under three weeks to locate the site, again attempting to breach its security and gain access to SCP-1447-2. On-site personnel were ultimately able to funnel the entity into an early version of its current containment unit at significant cost in terms of expended human and material resources.