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A Dead Language

Connected to: SCP-2518

An SCP-1390-1 object containing no instance of SCP-1390. Similarity to third stage SCP-1390-2 subjects [REDACTED].

Special Containment Procedures

All documents containing samples of SCP-1390 and the accompanying reports are to be kept in a standard safe located at Site-73. Site-73 encompasses the entire island of ██████ off of the coast of Greece, which is currently believed to be the site of a nuclear testing installation. Any civilians near the island's coast or found on the land are to be detained by on-site security personnel and interrogated for knowledge of SCP-1390, administered a Class-B Amnestic, and sent back to the mainland.

Instances of SCP-1390-1 are to be cataloged and then incinerated immediately. Samples of SCP-1390 found on the objects are classified as extreme memetic hazards and are to only be viewed by SCP-1390-2.

MTF Epsilon-13 (aka "Grammar Police") are to be sent to any area where an archaeological dig has uncovered a SCP-1390-1 object or an instance of SCP-1390-2 has been sighted. MTF E-13 is authorized to administer Class-B Amnestics and terminate SCP-1390-2 subjects as necessary. Foundation moles are to monitor Anthropology or Linguistics departments of major universities of any research into SCP-1390.

All attempts to study SCP-1390 are to be made by D-Class translators, specially screened for linguistic skill. These researchers are exempt from monthly termination procedures. They are to be granted unconditional access to the catalog of SCP-1390-1 objects and facsimiles of SCP-1390 research. D-Class translators are to make a detailed report of their findings without using any written examples of SCP-1390 delivered once every week. Subjects are to be terminated before reaching the third stage of infection. All third stage subjects represent an exponentially increased cognitohazard. As of Incident-1390-1, no Foundation researcher is to directly study SCP-1390.

As of Incident-1390-2, all material generated by world governments are to be monitored for SCP-1390. All results are to be sent to Site-73. Any instances of SCP-1390-2 found in these areas are to be terminated and brought to Site-73 for autopsy. If these SCP-1390-2 subjects have had no contact with SCP-1390-1 objects, special containment procedures are to be revised immediately.


SCP-1390 is a grammatical structure only exhibited in a dead language of the ████████ civilization of the island of ████. While records indicate no mass migration, artifacts containing instances of SCP-1390, known as SCP-1390-1, have been found in such varied areas as the Mongolian steppes, the Hindu Kush of northern Pakistan, the Apennines, and the coast of Brazil. Research suggests that [DATA EXPUNGED]. (See Document-1390-A with Level 5 Security Clearance.) SCP-1390-1 objects resemble period art created by contemporaneous Mediterranean civilizations. No SCP-1390-1 objects are anomalous themselves and can therefore be classified as Safe.

Instances of SCP-1390-2 are created through any contact or meaningful knowledge of the syntactical structure of SCP-1390. Of the individuals exposed to SCP-1390, 60% become interested, almost obsessed, with decoding and studying the language's syntax. Of this number, 95% progress to late stage symptoms and can be accurately designated SCP-1390-2. SCP-1390 infection occurs in a greater rate in individuals who show interest in the mechanics of language, and the infection proceeds more swiftly in subjects who are fluent in more than █ languages.

The first stage of SCP-1390 infection manifests in an increased aversion to incorrect grammar. Subjects who were previously shown to be indifferent to grammatical errors react strongly to mistakes. This stage is innocuous, and subjects seek to correct the grammar of those around them. SCP-1390-2 individuals at this stage report a feeling of contentment when correcting grammar. Analysis of CT-scans performed on first stage subjects have shown electrical and neurological responses similar to opiate usage. The need to correct grammar becomes progressively stronger, resulting in laconic withdrawal when denied. Stage one can last from ██ days to ██ years. Near the end of the first stage, SCP-1390-2 subjects will claim to be growing wings along their back, thighs, or face. All autopsies performed on stage one individuals show no sign of wing development.

In the second stage, all language and grammar that differ from SCP-1390 are treated as being “incorrect.” SCP-1390-2 subjects describe hearing or reading any other language as being “like shitting in church” or, in one case, “like the fires of God in [her] eyes and tongue.” Individuals will refuse to communicate through any other method than SCP-1390, although applied to the language they are most comfortable with, and are to be treated as mental hazards. SCP-1390-2 subjects in this stage are terminated, due to their tendency to infect others. Sufferers of stage two infection cite a lack of pleasure gleaned from hearing bad grammar. Stage two subjects are highly volatile, as stage two lasts only █-█ days. All autopsies performed on stage two individuals show no sign of wing development.

Progress into the third stage is marked by the subjects' tendency toward referring to themselves with one of two grammatical genders only contained in SCP-1390. The sex of SCP-1390-2 individuals is in no way a determining factor for which gender is chosen. The third stage results in [DATA EXPUNGED]. (See Document-1390-B for an analysis of the physical and anomalous qualities of third stage SCP-1390-2 subjects.)

It is currently unknown if SCP-1390 infection progresses beyond the third stage, due to the cognitohazard that second and third stage SCP-1390-2 subjects express.