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Automaton Parliament

SCP-1377-01.20 addressing the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea

Special Containment Procedures

Instances of SCP-1377-01 are to be preserved after initial intake and observation in the C Wing of the Site-23 morgue, which has been repurposed for containment protocols and retrofitted with necessary security infrastructure. Access to SCP-1377-01 instances for experimentation require written authorization from the Research Director and the Cybernetics Initiative Committee.

During the appearance of a new iteration of SCP-1377-01, designated liaisons from security organizations responsible for national legislatures will contact the Research Director immediately. The Research Director will then relay instructions to MTF Kappa-71 (Roberto's Rules of Order), which will either neutralize and contain SCP-1377-01 directly, or direct Foundation security assets in closest proximity to the event to do so.

Due to the politically sensitive nature of SCP-1377 events, use of amnestic drugs on witnesses during subsequent information control efforts is to be minimized; see Protocol 1377-SOLON documentation for more details. All information control procedures related to SCP-1377 must be approved by the Research Director prior to implementation.


SCP-1377 is a phenomenon affecting world legislative bodies. Beginning in 1952 and continuing into the present day, a humanoid automaton of varying physical characteristics (hereby referred to as an instance of SCP-1377-01) will make its way from an unknown origination point to an official session of a national legislative body, present a set of forged credentials identifying itself as a member of that body, and attempt to address the chamber. In all cases, the forged credentials have identified SCP-1377-01 as a representative of a fictitious constituency within that nation's jurisdiction; examples include impersonations of an MP of the United Kingdom Parliament from "Lockbarrow," a Chilean Deputy representing the "Camino Desconocido" region, a Botswana Assembly Member from "Nnwande West", and a United States Senator representing the State of "Kenswick".


SCP-1377-01.2, recovered from █████, ███████

SCP-1377-01 instances are composed of living, organic tissue, and bear a loosely analogous resemblance to Homo sapiens. However, the anatomy of SCP-1377-01 varies significantly from that of humans; specimens possess musculature and connective tissues similar to H. sapiens, but lack any discernible internal organs, instead featuring an indeterminate, fleshy mass where a human's thoracic cavity would ordinarily be. Additionally, SCP-1377-01 specimens have a skeletal structure composed of tissue resembling hardened cartilage. This is believed to account for SCP-1377-01's erratic and halting movements. DNA analysis confirms that SCP-1377-01 matches no biological organism currently known to the Foundation. Because of the lack of data on SCP-1377-01 specimens prior to their emergence, development of these organisms is poorly understood. However, each SCP-1377-01 instance has ceased life function approximately 12-18 hours after emergence.

Currently, 27 instances of SCP-1377-01 have been documented in 24 nations since the first known occurrence on 04/23/1952. All instances of SCP-1377-01 have been recovered and taken into Foundation custody, with the exception of SCP-1377-01.14 (see Incident 1377-1). If allowed to proceed into the legislative chambers at which the specimen emerges, SCP-1377-01 will make a "speech". The content of this "speech" has varied greatly between instances of SCP-1377-01: The first observed occasion consisted of SCP-1377-01.3 vocalizing a series of static-like screeches and electronic tones; SCP-1377-01.7 addressed the Supreme People's Council of South Yemen with an eight-minute imitation of aggressive hooting noises typically made by Gorilla beringei; and most recently, SCP-1377-01.27 was documented at the German Reichstag engaging in vocalizations that, while resembling the sound of human speech, contained no discernible linguistic structure or pattern.