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Time-Locked Town

Special Containment Procedures

Site 24 has been constructed seven kilometers east of SCP-1309 for purposes of observation and record keeping. Any non-authorized individuals found approaching either area are to be detained, questioned, and administered Class-B amnestics prior to their release.

SCP-1309 is to be continuously monitored for any irregular activity, including spatial anomalies or behavior of its inhabitants. Interaction with the inhabitants of SCP-1309 outside of authorized testing and interviews is to be kept to a minimum. Inhabitants showing continuous or otherwise invasive interest in Foundation personnel or objectives are to be administered Class-B amnestics. Because the mechanics of SCP-1309's anomalous properties are not yet fully understood, personnel are forbidden from spending more than twelve consecutive hours within SCP-1309.


SCP-1309 is the town of Kleinberg, located in Dewey County, South Dakota, although inhabitants claim they are located within Armstrong County.1 SCP-1309 has a population of approximately 2,300. The town's inhabitants are of amicable disposition, and are generally receptive to questions from Foundation personnel. Biological analyses show no abnormalities within the inhabitants.

SCP-1309 is effectively locked in a recursive period of time within the 1920's. Long-term observation has determined that events do not repeat with each cycle, and inhabitants retain all memories and experiences between cycles. Analysis of on-site records, coupled with interviews, have determined that the period of time is 3,289 days long, extending from February 5th, 1920 to August 19th, 1928. No discernible spatial or temporal anomalies are detectable when the cycle resets. The inhabitants of the town live and age as would be expected, and both deaths and births have been observed.

As of writing, the only constant events in each cycle are the inhabitants' perceptions of time, and all outside news received in SCP-1309 via radio broadcasts or newspapers. Newspapers and radio broadcasts received in SCP-1309 are consistent with documentation from that time period, and repeat on the correct dates. Assuming that the anomaly first took effect in accordance with the actual August 19th, 1928, SCP-1309 has experienced this eight-year cycle approximately ten times.

SCP-1309 is largely self-sufficient. However, supplies that are rare or otherwise difficult to produce or obtain locally are delivered by a truck that materializes at the edge of SCP-1309, and upon delivering supplies, dematerializes at the opposite edge. Commonly delivered supplies include non-local newspapers, brand-name products and food, and certain raw materials. Interrogation of the drivers has determined that they have no awareness of any anomalous properties.

Observation has determined that if an inhabitant of SCP-1309 attempts to leave SCP-1309, they will dematerialize at the edge of the town, and immediately materialize on the opposite side. Questioning has found that inhabitants who disappear and reappear in this fashion believe they have just returned from an extended vacation. However, SCP-1309's inhabitants typically show no desire to venture outside of their town, often stating they are content with life in their town. Inhabitants show no awareness of anomalous properties, even when explicitly brought to their attention. See attached documentation for more detail.