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Meg's Diner

Special Containment Procedures

Outpost-618 has been founded in order to maintain the covert containment of SCP-1295. Agents and researchers disguised as staff, patrons and local law enforcement are to discourage civilians from interacting with SCP-1295. Instances of SCP-1295 are not to be made aware of their containment. SCP-1295's daily routine is not to be interrupted under any circumstances.


SCP-1295 is the collective designation for a group of four (4) elderly men who patronize "Meg's Good Eatin'", a diner over the ███ highway, ██, between 09:00 and 18:00 every day. SCP-1295's anomalous properties manifest when an instance of SCP-1295 is prevented access to the diner between the hours 09:00 to 18:00 (local time) or removed from it by force; the exact nature of the effect and its duration is contingent on the instance of SCP-1295:

  • SCP-1295-1: If prevented access or removed from the diner against its will, SCP-1295-1's anomalous properties will begin to manifest between five (5) and ten (10) minutes after its removal. Those caught in an area beginning with approx. one hundred (100) meters from SCP-1295-1 exhibit extreme lethargy and complete lack of any self preservation instincts, making even a simple accident potentially lethal. The area of effect grows by approx. one hundred (100) meters for every hour SCP-1295-1 is kept away from the diner.
  • SCP-1295-2: If prevented access or removed from the diner against its will, SCP-1295-2's anomalous properties will begin to manifest between two (2) and three (3) hours after its removal. Those caught in an area beginning with approx. five hundred (500) meters from SCP-1295-2 lose their ability to distinguish between edible and inedible matter, and will often endanger themselves or others in attempts to consume unsuitable nourishment (metal, toxic waste, living flesh, etc.). The area of effect grows by approx. one (1) kilometer for every hour SCP-1295-2 is kept away from the diner.
  • SCP-1295-3: If prevented access or removed from the diner against its will, SCP-1295-3's anomalous properties will begin to manifest immediately after its removal. The bodies of those caught in an area of approx. fifty (50) meters around SCP-1295-3 will lose all microbial lifeforms associated with them. The adverse effects include but are not limited to a rapid decrease in the functionality of the digestive system due to lack of gut flora. The area of effect grows by approx. two hundred (200) meters for every hour SCP-1295-3 is kept away from the diner.
  • SCP-1295-4: If prevented access or removed from the diner against its will, SCP-1295-4's anomalous properties will begin to manifest thirty (30) to forty (40) minutes after its removal. Those caught in an area beginning with approx. one hundred and fifty (150) meters from SCP-1295-4 will experience a sharp increase of self-preservation instincts, to the point of paranoia and acute hypochondria. This condition soon becomes debilitating, as those afflicted by it will refuse to perform any action that might put them in any sort of danger, minor as it may be. The area of effect grows by approx. two hundred (200) meters for every hour SCP-1295-4 is kept away from the diner.

Those caught by both the effects of SCP-1295-1 and SCP-1295-4 enter a comatose state, presumably due to their opposing nature creating an unbearable mental strain on the subject. Any attempt to track instances of SCP-1295 when outside the diner has thus far failed.