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Squeedle Deedle Dee!

Special Containment Procedures

All known specimens of SCP-1293 are to reside within a standard Containment Habitat at Bio-Site 12. Specimens of SCP-1293-A are to be engaged in Procedure 722-Ephraim once per month to avoid the production of SCP-1293-C. A minimum of fifteen (15) armed security personnel must be present within the habitat at all times to neutralize specimens of SCP-1293-C in the event that one is produced. Completed specimens of SCP-1293-A1 are to be photographed before consumption by SCP-1293-A. Personnel present within the habitat are not to attempt communication or physical interaction with specimens of SCP-1293-B during a Terpsichore Event.


SCP-1293 is a species of humanoid creatures of unknown origin. Each specimen of SCP-1293 is unique in appearance, although all specimens generally resemble costumed human beings. Autopsies performed on deceased specimens have shown that SCP-1293 are completely unclothed, with skin, bone, and muscle tissue mimicking various types of fabric. SCP-1293 possess biological components resembling a human circulatory system, except the system carries and distributes multicolored balls of sugar instead of blood. SCP-1293 have no apparent nervous systems or digestive tracts, and do not require food, drink, or sleep. SCP-1293 possess no visible reproductive organs; however, 54% of SCP-1293 specimens are capable of reproduction. For the purpose of this document, such specimens will be considered female and referred to as SCP-1293-A, whereas male (non-reproducing) specimens will be referred to as SCP-1293-B.

SCP-1293-A vocally communicate in American English, speaking with masculine voices in a cheerful manner. Capable of reproduction, SCP-1293-A gestate their young for a period of roughly nine (9) months before giving birth to another specimen of SCP-1293. Newborn SCP-1293 emerge from their mothers fully matured in size and intelligence. SCP-1293-A deliver their young via their mouths,1 which anomalously elongate to accommodate the child's size. Because newborn SCP-1293 are roughly the same size as their progenitors, it is presumed that gestation takes place inside an extradimensional space within SCP-1293-A. If SCP-1293-A are not impregnated2 via Procedure 722-Ephraim, they will produce SCP-1293-C once per month until Procedure 722-Ephraim is executed.

SCP-1293-B are generally lethargic in nature and highly reclusive, avoiding contact with human beings and other specimens of SCP-1293. Unlike SCP-1293-A, SCP-1293-B have shown no capacity for speech. Every forty-five (45) days, SCP-1293-B will congregate and a Terpsichore Event will take place (see Addendum SCP-1293-1). Due to the precisely coordinated nature of Terpsichore Events, it is assumed that SCP-1293-B are capable of communicating telepathically.

SCP-1293-C are malevolent entities produced by SCP-1293-A if not impregnated via Procedure 722-Ephraim. SCP-1293-C differ from other specimens of SCP-1293 in that they generally possess large teeth, multiple arms, prehensile tongues, and elongated talons. SCP-1293-C are openly hostile toward human beings and will attempt to mutilate any individual they encounter.

Procedure 722-Ephraim is the process by which SCP-1293-A are impregnated. To begin the procedure, a child, aged 4 to 12 years old and belonging to an on-site personnel member, is to be introduced to the specimen of SCP-1293-A that is in heat. If SCP-1293-A decides that the child is suitable, it will regurgitate a sheet of paper (SCP-1293-A1) and a metal tin of Crayola-brand crayons (SCP-1293-A2). Using his or her imagination, the child must then draw a picture of a humanoid creature. If an adult human attempts to influence the child's drawing process, whether it be during the procedure or beforehand, SCP-1293-A will announce that the child is unsuitable and a different child must be selected. If SCP-1293-A deems the completed SCP-1293-A1 acceptable, it will devour it, thereby impregnating SCP-1293-A. The resulting SCP-1293 specimen will resemble the drawing on SCP-1293-A1.

Date Event Description 04/17/1998 SCP-1293-B silently performed the choreography from the 1982 Broadway production Cats in its entirety. 11/02/1999 Splitting into four individual groups, SCP-1293-B performed all four acts of the Russian ballet La Bayadère3 simultaneously. 08/14/2004 SCP-1293-B laid face-down in three separate rows and undulated their bodies in a wavelike motion on the ground for roughly five (5) hours. 05/09/2007 SCP-1293-B engaged in Filipino tinikling,4 substituting bamboo with other SCP-1293-B. 01/22/2009 SCP-1293-B performed the choreography from music video for Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It) for thirty-nine (39) seconds before quickly dispersing in different directions.

Addendum SCP-1293-2: The following is an interview conducted with a pregnant SCP-1293-A specimen. SCP-1293-A used a number of words and phrases that do not correspond to any known language. These have been transcribed phonetically for the readability and integrity of this interview.

<Begin Log>

Dr. Reeves: Good morning. How are you feeling?

SCP-1293-A-4: Squeedly deedly dee! I'm apsa-tapsa-lutely wonderful, mister nice person type man! My loin child should be ready for regurgitationing in two shakes of a lamb's tail!

Dr. Reeves: Very good. Now, please take a moment to explain your selection process for children used in Procedure 722-Ephraim.

SCP-1293-A-4: I only look for childrens that are goodly and pure of heart! They also must have great, big, whale-sized imaginations!

Dr. Reeves: You only accept children belonging to researchers assigned to your containment. Why is this?

SCP-1293-A-4: If I used a stranger's childrens, that would just be squeedly weedly weird! Do you want to see me do a merry jig?

Dr. Reeves: No, thank you.

(SCP-1293-A-4 disregards Dr. Reeves and begins dancing.)

SCP-1293-A-4: (Singing) Wibbly wibbly woo, I wish I could hug big, beautiful you! Shmiggly shmaggly shmarms, I sadly don't have any arms!

Dr. Reeves: That's quite enough. Please try to focus on the interview. What are SCP-1293-C?

SCP-1293-A-4: You mean my whoopsy-daisies? It's not polite to ask a lady-type about her special monthly times, mister nosy posy!

Dr. Reeves: Any information you could give us on the nature of SCP-1293-C would be greatly beneficial in preventing personnel casualties.

SCP-1293-A-4: I'm sorry they come out so mean and scary! If I don't have the childrens' imagination seed in my wooble spot, I sploosh out things from my own imagination, and I'm afraid that's a very squeedly scary place!

Dr. Reeves: I'm not sure I—

SCP-1293-A-4: Oh, dear! My loin child cometh!

(SCP-1293-A-4 expells SCP-1293-A-5 from its mouth.)

SCP-1293-A-5: Greetings, loin mother! I am child!

SCP-1293-A-4: It is a lady-type! I am the happy for I have childrens!

SCP-1293-A-4 and SCP-1293-A-5, simultaneously: Squeedle deedle dee!

<End Log>

Addendum SCP-1293-3" id="addendum-scp-1293-1-strong-the-following-is-a-table-listing-examples-of-recorded-terpsichore-events-p-table-classwiki-content-table-tr-thdate-th-thevent-description-th-tr-tr-td04-17-1998-td-tdscp-1293-b-silently-performed-the-choreography-from-the-1982-broadway-production-emcats-em-in-its-entirety-td-tr-tr-td11-02-1999-td-tdsplitting-into-four-individual-groups-scp-1293-b-performed-all-four-acts-of-the-russian-ballet-emla-bayadere-emsup-classfootnoterefa-idfootnoteref-3-hrefjavascript-classfootnoteref-onclickwikidotpageutilsscrolltoreferencefootnote-33-a-sup-simultaneously-td-tr-tr-td08-14-2004-td-tdscp-1293-b-laid-face-down-in-three-separate-rows-and-undulated-their-bodies-in-a-wavelike-motion-on-the-ground-for-roughly-five-5-hours-td-tr-tr-td05-09-2007-td-tdscp-1293-b-engaged-in-filipino-tiniklingsup-classfootnoterefa-idfootnoteref-4-hrefjavascript-classfootnoteref-onclickwikidotpageutilsscrolltoreferencefootnote-44-a-sup-substituting-bamboo-with-other-scp-1293-b-td-tr-tr-td01-22-2009-td-tdscp-1293-b-performed-the-choreography-from-music-video-for-emsingle-ladies-put-a-ring-on-it-em-for-thirty-nine-39-seconds-before-quickly-dispersing-in-different-directions-td-tr-table-pstrongaddendum-scp-1293-2-strong-the-following-is-an-interview-conducted-with-a-pregnant-scp-1293-a-specimen-scp-1293-a-used-a-number-of-words-and-phrases-that-do-not-correspond-to-any-known-language-these-have-been-transcribed-phonetically-for-the-readability-and-integrity-of-this-interview-p-blockquote-pstrongltbegin-loggt-strong-p-pstrongdr-reeves-strong-good-morning-how-are-you-feeling-p-pstrongscp-1293-a-4-strong-squeedly-deedly-dee-im-apsa-tapsa-lutely-wonderful-mister-nice-person-type-man-my-loin-child-should-be-ready-for-regurgitationing-in-two-shakes-of-a-lambs-tail-p-pstrongdr-reeves-strong-very-good-now-please-take-a-moment-to-explain-your-selection-process-for-children-used-in-procedure-722-ephraim-p-pstrongscp-1293-a-4-strong-i-only-look-for-childrens-that-are-goodly-and-pure-of-heart-they-also-must-have-great-big-whale-sized-imaginations-p-pstrongdr-reeves-strong-you-only-accept-children-belonging-to-researchers-assigned-to-your-containment-why-is-this-p-pstrongscp-1293-a-4-strong-if-i-used-a-strangers-childrens-that-would-just-be-squeedly-weedly-weird-do-you-want-to-see-me-do-a-merry-jig-p-pstrongdr-reeves-strong-no-thank-you-p-pemscp-1293-a-4-disregards-dr-reeves-and-begins-dancing-em-p-pstrongscp-1293-a-4-strong-emsinging-em-wibbly-wibbly-woo-i-wish-i-could-hug-big-beautiful-you-shmiggly-shmaggly-shmarms-i-sadly-dont-have-any-arms-p-pstrongdr-reeves-strong-thats-quite-enough-please-try-to-focus-on-the-interview-what-are-scp-1293-c-p-pstrongscp-1293-a-4-strong-you-mean-my-whoopsy-daisies-its-not-polite-to-ask-a-lady-type-about-her-special-monthly-times-mister-nosy-posy-p-pstrongdr-reeves-strong-any-information-you-could-give-us-on-the-nature-of-scp-1293-c-would-be-greatly-beneficial-in-preventing-personnel-casualties-p-pstrongscp-1293-a-4-strong-im-sorry-they-come-out-so-mean-and-scary-if-i-dont-have-the-childrens-imagination-seed-in-my-wooble-spot-i-sploosh-out-things-from-my-own-imagination-and-im-afraid-thats-a-very-squeedly-scary-place-p-pstrongdr-reeves-strong-im-not-sure-i-p-pstrongscp-1293-a-4-strong-oh-dear-my-loin-child-cometh-p-pemscp-1293-a-4-expells-scp-1293-a-5-from-its-mouth-em-p-pstrongscp-1293-a-5-strong-greetings-loin-mother-i-am-child-p-pstrongscp-1293-a-4-strong-it-is-a-lady-type-i-am-the-happy-for-i-have-childrens-p-pstrongscp-1293-a-4-and-scp-1293-a-5-simultaneously-strong-squeedle-deedle-dee-p-pstrongltend-loggt-strong-p-blockquote-pstrongaddendum-scp-1293-3">Addendum SCP-1293-1: The following is a table listing examples of recorded Terpsichore Events:

Date Event Description
04/17/1998 SCP-1293-B silently performed the choreography from the 1982 Broadway production Cats in its entirety.
11/02/1999 Splitting into four individual groups, SCP-1293-B performed all four acts of the Russian ballet La Bayadère3 simultaneously.
08/14/2004 SCP-1293-B laid face-down in three separate rows and undulated their bodies in a wavelike motion on the ground for roughly five (5) hours.
05/09/2007 SCP-1293-B engaged in Filipino tinikling,4 substituting bamboo with other SCP-1293-B.
01/22/2009 SCP-1293-B performed the choreography from music video for Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It) for thirty-nine (39) seconds before quickly dispersing in different directions.

Addendum SCP-1293-2: The following is an interview conducted with a pregnant SCP-1293-A specimen. SCP-1293-A used a number of words and phrases that do not correspond to any known language. These have been transcribed phonetically for the readability and integrity of this interview.

<Begin Log>

Dr. Reeves: Good morning. How are you feeling?

SCP-1293-A-4: Squeedly deedly dee! I'm apsa-tapsa-lutely wonderful, mister nice person type man! My loin child should be ready for regurgitationing in two shakes of a lamb's tail!

Dr. Reeves: Very good. Now, please take a moment to explain your selection process for children used in Procedure 722-Ephraim.

SCP-1293-A-4: I only look for childrens that are goodly and pure of heart! They also must have great, big, whale-sized imaginations!

Dr. Reeves: You only accept children belonging to researchers assigned to your containment. Why is this?

SCP-1293-A-4: If I used a stranger's childrens, that would just be squeedly weedly weird! Do you want to see me do a merry jig?

Dr. Reeves: No, thank you.

(SCP-1293-A-4 disregards Dr. Reeves and begins dancing.)

SCP-1293-A-4: (Singing) Wibbly wibbly woo, I wish I could hug big, beautiful you! Shmiggly shmaggly shmarms, I sadly don't have any arms!

Dr. Reeves: That's quite enough. Please try to focus on the interview. What are SCP-1293-C?

SCP-1293-A-4: You mean my whoopsy-daisies? It's not polite to ask a lady-type about her special monthly times, mister nosy posy!

Dr. Reeves: Any information you could give us on the nature of SCP-1293-C would be greatly beneficial in preventing personnel casualties.

SCP-1293-A-4: I'm sorry they come out so mean and scary! If I don't have the childrens' imagination seed in my wooble spot, I sploosh out things from my own imagination, and I'm afraid that's a very squeedly scary place!

Dr. Reeves: I'm not sure I—

SCP-1293-A-4: Oh, dear! My loin child cometh!

(SCP-1293-A-4 expells SCP-1293-A-5 from its mouth.)

SCP-1293-A-5: Greetings, loin mother! I am child!

SCP-1293-A-4: It is a lady-type! I am the happy for I have childrens!

SCP-1293-A-4 and SCP-1293-A-5, simultaneously: Squeedle deedle dee!

<End Log>

Addendum SCP-1293-3 The following is a message sent to Bio-Site Director Roward by Dr. Goodwin:


As you are aware, I have been the head researcher for SCP-1293 since Dr. Reeves was terminated for unrelated reasons. Having spent roughly a year observing SCP-1293, I have come to the conclusion that present documentation of SCP-1293—particularly in regard to SCP-1293-A's reproductive process—is inaccurate and in urgent need of revision.

When I was first transferred to this project, I was surprised that Dr. Reeves had based much of SCP-1293's documentation on testimony by SCP-1293-A specimens. Feeling that it was not sufficient to go by SCP-1293-A's words alone, I put in place a number of new research guidelines, including the discreet video monitoring of SCP-1293 during the 24 hours following Procedure 722-Ephraim. The footage that we have since obtained has shown that specimens SCP-1293-A and SCP-1293-B, do, in fact, mate, using a thin, red tendril that extends from the male's mouth to the female's. Frankly, I am appalled that such a crucial aspect of SCP-1293 has not been previously documented.

Now that we know SCP-1293 reproduce by mating, that leaves the question of what Procedure 722-Ephraim accomplishes, as well as the question of what SCP-1293-C are. I have a theory that I believe addresses both these issues:

Contrary to current documentation, SCP-1293 do indeed feed, empathically drawing sustenance from human emotion. SCP-1293-A feed on feelings of unease and perturbation, and SCP-1293-B feed on feelings of confusion and bewilderment. SCP-1293-B are easily capable of subsisting on the feelings expressed by research personnel during Terpsichore Events, but SCP-1293-A must employ more elaborate methods of feeding. In addition to unsettling the children, SCP-1293-A forces us to use our own kids as a ploy to provoke an emotional reaction from jaded Foundation personnel. If SCP-1293-A has gone without "food" for an extended length of time, it will release SCP-1293-C as an emergency defense mechanism.

In order to test this theory, I propose that a revised version of SCP-1293's special containment procedures will be used on a trial basis. SCP-1293-A and SCP-1293-B are to be kept in separate habitats, as I believe they should have been when initially contained. Procedure 722-Ephraim will be altered to use D-Class personnel who have been provided fabricated information about SCP-1293 to enhance their levels of discomfort and anxiety during the process. Finally, now that we know the purpose of Terpsichore Events, a similar D-Class procedure will be put in place to ensure that SCP-1293-B will still be able to feed.

It is regrettable that it took this long to see these things for what they are, but I hope that with this knowledge, we will be able to contain SCP-1293 with greater efficiency.

— Goodwin

Revisions to SCP-1293's documentation and containment procedures are currently underway.