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Intravenous Sin


Special Containment Procedures

SCP-1133 is to be kept within a secure testing chamber at Site-███, equipped with one (1) standard power socket. Samples of SCP-1133-X should be stored in an on-site bio-research vault. Both should be guarded by a minimum of one (1) armed personnel at all times in order to prevent unauthorized access.


SCP-1133 resembles an ordinary, hospital-standard intravenous fluid stand. Only the infusion pump displays any anomalous properties. The tubes, stand, power supply and intravenous drip bags are entirely ordinary and can be replaced. With the exception of the tubes passing through the infusion pump, all openings on the device are fused shut, including the rear battery compartment, requiring that SCP-1133 be connected to a standard power socket at all times. All attempts at opening SCP-1133 have so far failed, as the casing has proved remarkably resilient, such that the force required to penetrate the casing would likely cause irreparable damage to its internal components. As a result, internal examination has been postponed until primary research is complete.

The console of SCP-1133 possesses nine (9) buttons not present on a normal infusion pump. The first seven (7) are labeled with a corresponding number, and the final two (2) with the words, ‘Extract’ and ‘Infuse’, respectively. The remainder of SCP-1133’s controls are non-functional. When supplied with power, SCP-1133 will display the message: ‘SELECT OPERATION SETTINGS’, at which point either ‘Extract’ or ‘Infuse’ must be selected, after which SCP-1133 will activate if it is connected to a living human subject. If SCP-1133 is connected to a cadaver or any non-human species, SCP-1133 will display the message ‘OPERATION FAILED’ and shut down.

If the ‘Extract’ setting is selected, one (1) of the number buttons must be selected. This will cause SCP-1133 to begin extracting a substance, hereafter known as SCP-1133-X, from the subject, corresponding to the number chosen. Selecting the ‘Infuse’ option will result in the pump functioning as would be expected, infusing the substance placed in the drip bags into the subject’s bloodstream. Only SCP-1133-X can be infused in this way; the use of any other substance will result in the message ‘OPERATION FAILED’.

SCP-1133-X appears to be synthesized directly from the subject's bloodstream upon extraction, and breaks down almost immediately upon entering the blood during infusion, making it almost impossible to observe its impact on human physiology. However, both the infusion and extraction of SCP-1133-X produces equal and opposite changes in the behaviour and morality of the subject which are easily observable. Subjects are not normally aware of or disturbed by these changes, even when the subject had prior knowledge of SCP-1133’s effects.


SCP-1133-1 through SCP-1133-7

To date, seven (7) different varieties of SCP-1133-X have been recorded, each with a distinct colour and effect, and each corresponding to a specific number on SCP-1133’s console. Samples of SCP-1133-X have no observable effect on the human body if administered by any means other than SCP-1133’s ‘infusion’ function. All attempts to synthesize SCP-1133-X in laboratory conditions have so far failed. For detailed analysis of SCP-1133-X's chemical properties, please refer to Document 1133-█.

There seems to be limits to the quantity of each variety SCP-1133-X that can be extracted from any given subject, which seem to vary from individual to individual, depending on the personality of the subject. For example: subjects with a history of kleptomania seem to have larger natural reservoirs of SCP-1133-3 available for extraction, and requiring less SCP-1133-3 infusion to display more extreme symptoms. It is unknown whether an upper limit exists for the infusion of SCP-1133-X. Below is a list of the seven (7) known varieties and their effects: