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An Interesting Topic

Object Class: Esoteric

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-1101 is contained in a 20x20m secure room at Site-██. The containment room is monitored and recorded from a separate station by CCTV at all times; however, under no circumstances should this be viewed while an SCP-1101 event is in progress. When monitoring devices detect activity in SCP-1101's containment room, an alarm is to sound and both the containment room and the CCTV station are to be sealed until activity has ceased. All individuals under the influence of an SCP-1101 event are to be quarantined by security staff wearing hearing protection. No more than 20 individuals are to be introduced to SCP-1101 without O5-level approval. No objects are to be placed atop SCP-1101 except under controlled testing circumstances.

Following Incident 1101-4, bathroom facilities and 1 month of supplies for up to 20 people have been placed in SCP-1101's containment room. Apparatus for the dispensing of VX nerve gas has been installed to be activated in the event of a major emergency, specifically any one of the following;

  • >50 individuals under the influence of an SCP-1101 event
  • risk of uncontrolled spread of an SCP-1101 event beyond the containment facility
  • SCP-1101 event of duration greater than 1 month

If this protocol in conjunction with standard quarantine measures fails to contain the emergency, personnel should refer to Plan MODERATE-4, which [DATA EXPUNGED]


SCP-1101 is a 0.6m tall marble pedestal with an octagonal top. It exhibits no unusual properties until an object is placed atop SCP-1101 in the presence of more than one person. In this situation, any comment made relating to the object by an individual present will start a heated discussion (an SCP-1101 event). During an SCP-1101 event, affected individuals are compelled to continue the discussion until broad agreement is reached with one individual, the 'winner'. The 'winner' will take the object atop SCP-1101, which signals the end of an event. If the affected individuals do not come to an agreement, a 'winner' will be selected after a certain length of time and end the event. In this case, the winner has usually made a more intelligent or factually correct argument, but there appears to be subjectivity involved, perhaps suggesting sapience on SCP-1101's part. Memories of the event are retained. Subsequently, the 'winner' experiences feelings of euphoria and an attachment to the object 'won', while the rest of the affected subjects suffer mildly depressed mood. These effects are transient and dissipate after a maximum of one week.

Individuals will join an event regardless of debating skill, educational level or ordinary interest in the event topic. SCP-1101 does not appear to cause major personality changes save the compulsion to discuss. However, events have the potential to become vitriolic regardless of individual personalities. Interestingly, no incidents of physical violence have been recorded during an event despite frequent displays of extreme anger.

Affected individuals will only attend to basic needs if it is possible to simultaneously participate in the event (subjects may collapse from exhaustion if an event is of sufficient duration, but appear to suffer no long-term ill effects). The event is a memetic hazard: all individuals who hear an event in progress or see SCP-1101 at the time are compelled to join, including individuals viewing the event remotely. The latter are capable of starting separate secondary instances of SCP-1101 events which will gravitate towards the location of SCP-1101.

Duration of events is variable and dependent on the specific arguments and positions taken by the individuals involved. SCP-1101 events have been observed ranging from 3 minutes to up to 5 months (in this particular case, the event only ceased due to interruption of food supplies and subsequent starvation of individuals involved).

Further information on SCP-1101 may be found in [REDACTED].

Test Battery 1101-1: Initial baseline testing. An object was placed upon SCP-1101 and test subjects instructed to enter the containment chamber.

Addendum 1101-1 It has been observed that duration of an SCP-1101 event generally scales with the number of individuals involved. Due to the potential for memetic spread of an event, it is estimated that a breach of containment would lead to a 'point of no return' where event duration is unacceptably high after a critical mass of [REDACTED] persons, leading to a perpetual SCP-1101 event and a potential AK-class end-of-the-world scenario. In light of this theory, SCP-1101 has been upgraded to Euclid class and new containment procedures implemented.