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Computing Microbes

Recovery site of SCP-1073

Special Containment Procedures

The cavern containing the spring of SCP-1073-1 has been sealed, except for a small access shaft that terminates in the basement of a nearby Foundation facility. A colony of SCP-1073-2 is currently contained in a hermetically sealed containment unit in Sector-██'s Storage Site-█. Any personnel with sufficient security clearance are free to converse with SCP-1073-2.
3/9/ ██: Because of good behavior a small radio transmitter broadcasting on the frequency ████ AM has been set up across from 1073's containment unit and is to continuously play audio tapes of various novels and non-fiction works.
8/23/ ██: 1073-2 has taken an interest in history and mathematics; pending O5 approval, more of these texts will be added to the playlist.
9/7/ ██: Approved - O5-3


SCP-1073-1 is a clear liquid identical in appearance and physical properties (conductivity, boiling and freezing point) to water with a 0.9 M concentration of H2SO4 (sulfuric acid), from a pool inside a cave in the █████████ Mountains. Chemical analysis reveals that the liquid is actually [DATA EXPUNGED], and shows traces of dissolved silicon dioxide and long-chain silanes. Investigation into the possible industrial and military applications of the chemical are ongoing.

SCP-1073-2 is a sapient colony of silicon-based microbes with a structure similar to that of primitive computers. 1073's structure allows it to receive and decipher radio waves, research into military applications is ongoing. So far five distinct "species" of SCP-1073-2 have been observed. "Gatherers", as the name suggests, gather up raw materials and irreparably damaged colony members, for use as food and in reproduction. "CPUs" perform all the higher functions for the colony, including communication and digestion. "MMUs" access information from the memory cells (both ROM and RAM) and transfer it to the "CPUs". "ROMs" (read only memory) act as the colony's DNA, containing all the information required for reproduction, communication and certain long term memories. "RAMs" (random access memory) contain the colony's short term memories. After a variable period of time information is either copied from the RAM cells to the ROM cells or deleted. During 1073-2's stay with the Foundation the number of ROM cells has increased by a factor of 104.

Testing log:

Test number: 1073-01

Subject: SCP-1073-1 and 2

Test: Freezing

Result: Subjects were thawed out with minimal damage, but described the experience as unpleasant.

Test number: 1073-02

Subject: SCP-1073-1 and 2

Test: Boiling

Result: When vaporized SCP-1073-1 reacts violently with [DATA EXPUNGED], resulting in substantial damage to the containment cell and the deaths of three (3) Foundation personnel.

Test number: 1073-03

Subject: SCP-1073-2, distilled water.

Test: Habitat change

Result: Immediately upon introduction to the water SCP-1073-2 began to fall apart. Further testing indicates that 1073-1 is required to maintain the silicon triple bond that is the backbone of SCP-1073-2.

When in an active state waves are produced from the center of the liquid every three (3) to five (5) seconds and travel outward in a circular shape. Following the initial recovery in 19██ it was believed that the waves were meaningless until Dr. ██████, an amateur radio operator, found that the small waves (averaging eight (8) cm in diameter) and the large waves (averaging sixteen (16) cm in diameter) respectively correspond to the dots and dashes of Morse code.

Until his death in 1993 Dr. ██████ carried out weekly interviews with SCP-1073 using a self-built radio broadcasting set. Below are some of the interviews of interest.

Is anyone else a little concerned about this thing? Almost 90% of the world's computer systems are based off information this thing gave us, if it goes rogue… - Dr. ██████████

If it goes rogue we pour water on it. The creature can't survive in anything other than pure 1073-1 and we control the source of it. - O5-3