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Call of the Hyphae

Connected to: SCP-3536

SCP-2381 in its non-infection morphology.

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-2381 is currently uncontained. Key security personnel in local and national governments are to be briefed on new outbreaks, as they have allotted resources and cooperation to Foundation containment teams.

All samples of SCP-2381 are to be stored in a hermetically sealed, BSL-4 cryoprotective freezer. Samples are to be cultured using standard yeast growth mediums. Work with SCP-2381 is to take place under BSL-4 conditions inside a facility within Block-D of Site 234. Personnel are required to wear 2 layers of BSL-4 protective equipment, and 1 layer of protective undergarments including a biohazard air filter. Personnel exiting this facility are to undergo 4 screening checkpoints composed of the following:

  • Multistep decontamination of the first layer.
  • Removal of the first layer of protective gear, and multi-step decontamination of the secondary layer.
  • Removal of second layer, incineration of both first and second layers. Multi-step decontamination of distributed undergarments.
  • Removal and incineration of undergarments, followed by a multi-step sterilization cycle, a standard rinsing shower, and blood test screening.

Personnel should completely avoid physical contact and aerosol exposure with SCP-2381.

In the event of an accidental infection, checkpoints are to be hermetically sealed, and individuals within the facility analyzed for stage 1 symptoms. Individuals exhibiting these symptoms are to be informed, and offered standard termination benefits.1 Regardless of the response, termination should occur after diagnosis. At this time, there are no treatments for infection. Should a treatment be discovered, these procedures will be reviewed and modified as needed.

In the event of an outbreak, MTFs Chi-7 ("Plague Tamers") and Beta-7 ("Maz Hatters") are to be deployed and establish standard quarantine procedures. Affected areas are to undergo "salting"2 and SCP-2381-1 instances removed using slash and burn tactics. Quarantine operations are to be masked by disinformation units as outbreaks of well known non-anomalous pathogens. Media referring to or depicting an outbreak is to be intercepted, and altered. Non-Foundation personnel aware of the anomaly are to be treated with Class-B amnestics.

Use of SCP-3536 for study of SCP-2381 samples has been tentatively approved, pending fulfillment of appropriate BSL requirements.

Update SCP-2381-P-2 As of 6/28/2016, individuals in stages 1 and 2 of infection are to be placed in an anechoic chamber with an interior lead-lined wall, and administered Amphotericin B until infection is cleared. At this time, it is believed that SCP-2381-2 is responsible for the appearance and infections by SCP-2381 (See Addendum 1).

Attempts to directly communicate and dissuade SCP-2381-2 from causing future outbreaks are being researched; however, should such attempts fail, the O5 council has approved several neutralization plans.


SCP-2381 is a previously undiscovered strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. SCP-2381 is a human pathogen and is indistinguishable from non-anomalous strains until infection. SCP-2381 is extremely contagious, spreading through infected body fluids, direct physical contact, aerial spores, and aerosolized particles.

When SCP-2381 makes physical contact with a host it will begin branching into a series of multinucleated fibers. These fibers, or hyphae, will penetrate into the surrounding tissue and exhibit behavior similar to that of Candida alibcans.

SCP-2381's primary method of pathogenesis is enacted by converting cells into further SCP-2381 instances.3 In addition to this mechanism, hypha strands double in a manner similar to that of budding every 30 minutes.

All SCP-2381 infections occur in 5 stages, over the course of 12-48 hours. All infections terminate with the emergence and full development of a "toadstool"4 from the host's reproductive system. The resulting "toadstool" ranges from 9-50 m in height, with a stalk 1-13 m in width, and a spore-producing structure 3-20 m in diameter. These structures, hereby dubbed SCP-2381-1, emit aerial spores at a constant frequency consistent with most multi-cellular fungi, however; the fruiting body never rots and continues releasing spores for an indeterminate duration. At the end of stage 5 the former host's body is dissolved, releasing a dense network of hyphae5 which will embed itself into the surface it falls on, regardless of composition.


Stage 1

Stage 1 of infection begins when an SCP-2381 cell makes contact with exposed skin or mucousal membranes. Initially, the infection remains localized to a small area, with strands spreading out over 3-4 mm, forming a lesion.6 As infection begins penetrating into deeper tissue, infestation of sensory nerves may elicit heightened pain responses.

Stage 2

Stage 2 primarily involves spread of infection from the initial layer of tissue, onto the surrounding epidermis and deeper soft tissues. Damage to muscle and connective tissue usually begins here while entry into the blood stream, especially in respiratory infections, may occur. From stage 2 forward, individuals become increasingly contagious, especially due to blood and spore-laced coughs.

Stage 3

Penetration into major organ systems or the bones in infected limbs are hallmarks of stage 3. Loss of function and feeling in large segments of the epidermis occur at high frequencies, and in some cases, entire limbs are rendered inert. Infected individuals may begin vocalizing pain at an increased volume as well as exhibiting several common symptoms including vomiting, blood laced coughs, uncontrollable bowel movements, and loss of consciousness.

Stage 4

At the beginning of stage 4 hyphae are present in all major organs, across all epidermal tissues and mucous membranes. Subsequently, exposed skin becomes hard to the touch with a coat of excreted slime.7 Infected hosts remain conscious and aware throughout this process, with a spike in awareness during the conversion of the eyes and/or tongue.

Near the end of stage 4, infected individuals possessing a penis and testes will experience painful swelling, bulging, and stretching of the appendage, as the glans penis and corona glandis blossom outwards, taking on the shape of a "toadstool" from Basidiomycota. The urethral opening seals, and the blossoming structures begin developing infantile spore-producing structures. This process is similar in individuals possessing a functional vagina-cervix-uterus; however, the clitoral glans is forced to merge with the urethral and vaginal openings, as the fruiting body develops.

Stage 5

Stage 5 mostly concerns the development of the fruiting body as the host's reproductive system is incorporated into the expanding stalk and the conversion of the remaining nervous tissue. Individuals exhibit rapid memory loss and dementia as infection progresses, ultimately terminating with the maturation of the fruiting body and dissolution of the host's body.

SCP-2381 emits and receives a number of radio transmissions, primarily at 900 MHz (See Addendum 1). Analysis of these transmissions has revealed a number of details about SCP-2381's origins and a possible person/entity of interest, hereby dubbed as SCP-2381-2, responsible for the creation and propagation of the pathogen.

Initial Outbreak:
SCP-2381 was initially reported in the city of Lourdes, France, by an embedded member of MTF-Chi-7. The initial outbreak began when a well-known local vineyard owner8 was brought into the district's medical center, showing signs consistent with stage 1 of infection. Foundation personnel were alerted of a possible anomalous outbreak when the infection spread to all attending physicians. At this time, Site-234 directional staff notified MTF-Beta-7 and the O5 council of the developing situation, and Elements of Beta-7 were deployed to establish large-scale quarantine protocols.

By the time they arrived in the city, infection had spread to the resident and tourist populations. An estimated 3,000 individuals succumbed to infection, including the embedded agent. An estimated ███ persons who were exposed to aerial spores were not quarantined due to miscommunications between MTF-Beta-7 operatives and the Quarantine Protocol Director present on site. At the end of the outbreak, MTF Beta-7 noted the heavy concentration of SCP-2381-1 instances within the urban area, especially in the streets.9

As of 12/15/2015, █ active outbreaks are currently under quarantine. Cases are all believed to be linked to the initial outbreak, with a number of small outbreaks still emerging in several regions. MTF-Beta-7's quarantine protocol director is to undergo internal review before the Ethics Committee for her failure to properly contain the anomaly during the initial outbreak.