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Mirror, Mirror

Painting made by application of grease onto an opaque plastic sheet.

Special Containment Procedures

A joint research facility has been constructed around the cave housing SCP-1411-A. It will be manned at all times by agents from both the Foundation and the Office for the Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts. Colonel Khorsandi of the ORIA is in charge of security, as well as liasing with the government of Uzbekistan. Doctor Yi will supervise all examination of SCP-1411-A.

At 48-hour intervals, Agent Durani will perform all duties in accordance to the Peaslee Protocols in order to perform preventative maintenance on SCP-1411-B. In the event that Agent Durani is incapacitated, a substitute must be found. This is intended to be a voluntary assignment, but if no volunteers can be found, Colonel Khorsandi is empowered to order any agent onsite.

Both the Foundation and the ORIA are to have access to all documents and research related to SCP-1411.


SCP-1411-A is a collection of machinery found in a cave in the Turkestan Mountain Range in Southeastern Uzbekistan. While much of the equipment's purpose and function is unknown, several parts are assessed to be receivers for a signal propagated through unknown means, and one section in particular has been identified as a transmitter. Central to the entire assembly is a large video display, showing an unknown location.

The location shown has similar machinery to SCP-1411-A, referred to as SCP-1411-B. It appears to be in a partly collapsed structure with stone and metal walls. The sky can be observed through openings in the structure. Though the sun is never seen directly, it shows a day-night cycle lasting roughly 31 hours. The stars, to the extent that they can be observed through the display, do not appear to match any area of the sky visible from Earth. Based on this information, it is believed to be an extraterrestrial location.

What vegetation is visible consists of fungus-like growths. No animal life has been observed through the feed (but see Document SCP-1411-3).

At the time of discovery, the components making up SCP-1411-B had experienced some damage, which caused effects both in the remote location and at the site of SCP-1411-A itself. These include electrical discharges, changes in local gravity, and an increase in the rate in heat transfer between objects in the area. Once started, these effects increased exponentially. Modeling suggests that if left unchecked, these effects would likely cause widespread devastation for several hundred kilometers before the SCP-1411-A and B materials were completely destroyed1. While significant repairs have been undertaken, these effects still occur when routine maintenance is not undertaken every 24-48 hours.

As the functions of most of SCP-1411-A are poorly understood as yet, operations will be focused on repairing SCP-1411 in both the remote and local sites.

When a human touches a recessed panel in the area assessed as a transmitter, it triggers the production of an autonomous machine by SCP-1411-B. These robots are roughly one meter tall (assuming the components of SCP-1411-B is similar in size to SCP-1411-A), navigating on four multi-jointed legs. The main body is roughly cylindrical, with two limbs that divide three times into eight finger-like appendages. Three dark lenses are situated on the top of the cylinder, and are believed to be the eyes of the robot.

When a robot is created, it is imprinted with the consciousness of the person who activates the transmitter. Communication through the screen suggests that the robots possess all memories and personality of the originals. They are also imprinted with information necessary for the maintenance and basic repairs of SCP-1411-B. However, the robots only remain operational for thirty-five to forty-eight hours before breaking down, necessitating the creation of further units. At present, full repairs of SCP-1411-B appear to be impossible, possibly due to the damage to the structure housing the equipment.

Due to familiarity with the phenomenon, and to reduce potential contamination by an anomaly, Agent Durani is responsible for the activation of the transmitter. This will be done in accordance with the Peaslee Protocols for transmission of consciousness.

Communication is accomplished via writing. Remote units have been able to scavenge writing materials, using plastic-like sheets with devices that exude a thick, black paste, originally designed for applying lubrication to fine parts. They have also experimented with making pigments from local fungal vegetation and minerals.

While the components of SCP-1411-A appear to be stable at present, the remote units have been questioned on repair procedures, should they become necessary at the local site. Much of this information has helped in identifying the purpose of components of SCP-1411-A.

Recovery: SCP-1411-A was discovered by members of the Uzbek military after its anomalous properties began manifesting in region. GRU Division P was initially contacted, but a deterioration in relations between the Uzbekistan and Russian governments led to the ORIA being brought in instead. The ORIA then requested assistance from the Foundation as the anomalies began to intensify.

During initial examination, Doctor Yi activated the transmitter. Over the course of several days and more activations, the robots were able to activate a display in the remote location, and then began communicating with the research team. This led to the discovery that the robots had the personalities of those who activated the device.

Activations ceased for several days until the anomalies began to manifest again. Agent Durani volunteered to activate the device until a better solution could be found. At present, all efforts are being made to learn how to dismantle the device safely or reach the remote location to conduct manual repairs.

To date, Agent Durani has been transmitted 217 times.