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Best Intentions

Object Class: Esoteric

Connected to: SCP-343SCP-2875

"Sound Levels during Emergence Events"

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-3621 is to be contained in the High-Security Vault of Dimensional Site-04. SCP-3621 is unable to be moved at this time, and while physically contained, its effects are currently uncontained at this time.

SCP-3621's containment chamber is to be lined with standard Polypropylene-blend soundproofing, in order to dampen noise emanations during Emergence Events.

Per ethics committee decision, this soundproofing shall not reduce noise levels below 20 db. See attached Ethics Committee report. -O5-2

Several proposals have been put forward to contain SCP-3621, including the use of Scranton Reality Anchors, anomalous entities currently in containment, and potential destruction of Dimensional Site-04.

All current have been rejected as infeasible. Further proposals may be submitted directly to O5-6 or O5-2.


SCP-3621 is the skeletal remains of former Foundation employee Dr. Michael Magnus, deceased July 17, 20██. SCP-3621 constantly generates a low level elevated Hume field, which has proven to be disruptive to the function of Dimensional Site-04.

Due to the volatile nature of Dimensional Anchoring, and the elevated Hume levels, at this time SCP-3621 is not to be moved.

At this time, no testing shall be permitted with SCP-3621. If testing with Hume fields is required, refer to document SCRANTON-SAGE-6-A-47 to determine if a Scranton Reality Field Generator is appropriate for testing.

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