Documenting Doomsday
Object Class: Esoteric
Nonhazardous sample of Trilisect-A created by Dr R████ during testing. 76% accurate as determined by AOCRS.
Special Containment Procedures
SCP-3600 is an Epsilon Class Cognitohazard, and should not be directly viewed by Foundation personnel under any circumstances. Suspected or unconfirmed instances of SCP-3600 are not to be viewed until proper testing can be performed to determine their status. SCP-3600 can be temporarily contained by covering it in an opaque material until proper containment can be established.
Limited exposure of D-Class personnel to SCP-3600 is permitted for testing purposes with approval from the Site Director. No personnel should be exposed to more than 3 characters of SCP-3600 during these tests, unless occurring as a part of Project Theia.
SCP-3600-1 is to be stored in a custom-fitted steel case, sealed via welding to ensure it cannot be accessed.
Any suspected or confirmed instances of SCP-3600-2 are to be recovered pending analysis, and then either destroyed or contained as appropriate.
SCP-3600 is a previously undocumented language, believed to originate in Mesopotamia, circa 3000BC, that when accurately rendered on a static surface produces a cognitohazardous effect. The language, designated Trilisect-A, superficially resembles Cuneiform, though with significantly more variety and complexity. SCP-3600-1 is a stone tablet measuring 3.7m x 1.8m x 0.25m, containing over 10,000 unique individual characters of SCP-3600 on its "front" face. When viewed directly by a conscious, sapient entity, SCP-3600 transfers to the viewer a detailed knowledge of potential K-Class scenarios. The viewer will become aware of this knowledge over the course of approximately 48 hours.
Each individual character in SCP-3600 imparts knowledge of a single scenario, though this effect has been shown to be multiplicative; if an individual is exposed to multiple characters, the number of scenarios of which they have knowledge will be greater than the number of characters they have seen. In order to count as an instance of SCP-3600 and thus possess cognitohazardous properties, a character must match the original (as seen on SCP-3600-1) with an accuracy of at least 91%, as determined by the Advanced Optical Character Recognition System (AOCRS). Characters below 91% accuracy will possess no anomalous properties. Additionally, digital photographs and video recordings of SCP-3600 have been determined to be safe for viewing.
Scenarios imparted by SCP-3600 range from the natural or man-made (asteroid impacts, nuclear war, global pandemics, etc.) to the anomalous, with these scenarios typically being the result of a failure to contain (or the improper handling of) anomalous phenomena. Along with the knowledge of the scenario itself, viewers of SCP-3600 also gain any knowledge that would be required to bring that scenario to actuality.
Knowledge gained from SCP-3600 typically manifests as the ability to construct anomalous devices possessing the required functionality to trigger the specific scenario. Devices constructed in this way are designated SCP-3600-2. In cases where an SCP object is involved they might instead gain an awareness of how to breach containment on the object or, in cases of currently uncontained anomalies, where that object might be found. If the scenario can be brought about without the use of anomalous technology, knowledge of how use available resources to create mundane technology is granted.1 For a list of recovered SCP-3600-2 instances, see attached document 3600-2 Recovery Log.
Incident Report 3600-01: On ██/██/201█, Senior Researcher Dr R████ was inadvertently exposed to 27 characters of SCP-3600 while performing tests to determine if cognitohazardous effects could be produced by mechanical replication of SCP-3600. Six hours after this exposure, he entered a coma-like state and remained non-responsive for 86 hours. Following a mandatory four week evaluation period, during which time Dr R████ provided documentation on 37 different K-Class scenarios, he was allowed to return to active duty.
Discovery Notes
SCP-3600 was discovered during an archaeological dig ██km outside of ████. The Foundation became aware of SCP-3600 after the loss of contact with the archaeological team and subsequent civilian investigation; of the 14 original team members, 11 were dead,2 two were in a coma and severely dehydrated, and one was missing. A further █ Foundation personnel were lost as casualties before the nature of SCP-3600 became known.
The missing team member from the dig was tracked and found six weeks later, along with a partially constructed instance of SCP-3600-2.3 He was terminated by Foundation personnel when he became violent during apprehension.
Archaeological digs in sites potentially pertaining to ████████ culture are to be monitored by Foundation assets for potential instances of SCP-3600-1.
4 Psychological analysis of Dr R████ revealed signs of severe depression and disassociation, which failed to show up in post-incident checkups. See Interview Transcript 04353-A for Interview and Incident 3600-02 transcript.