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Murphy Law in… Type 3043 — FOR MURDER!

Object Class: Esoteric

Connected to: SCP-423SCP-3143

SCP-3043 prior to neutralization.

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-3043 is to be kept in a secure locker on-site. Access requires Level-3 clearance.


SCP-3043 is a 1937 Olympia Elite typewriter. Two .44 caliber bullets are lodged in its casing. Before it was neutralized, SCP-3043 exhibited the ability to rewrite any physical document within its immediate vicinity to match whatever was typed into it. It was neutralized before any additional properties could be confirmed.

On 14-12-2005, a containment breach occurred at Site-95. During this breach, an unknown anomalous event prevented all outside contact for approximately 3 hours. All entities affected by this anomaly have no recollection of the events that occurred during these 3 hours; furthermore, all recording devices within Site-95 appear to have malfunctioned during this period.

Shortly after this event concluded, Site-95 reported all SCPs were now contained with the exception of SCP-3043. SCP-3043 was found in Dr. Lewis' office in its current state. Dr. Lewis also discovered that all copies of SCP-3043's documentation were now replaced with an 'updated' version (see attached files).

SCP-3042 SCP-3044