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Dream A Little Dream

SCP-2876 splash screen.

Special Containment Procedures

All known sources of SCP-2876 have been suppressed by Mobile Task Force Mu-4 ("Debuggers"). Mobile devices connected to global and private internet servers are to be regularly scanned and purged of any detected instances of SCP-2876. Medical reports of somnambulism and unusual physical degeneration are to be analysed for signs of SCP-2876 activity. Subjects who have been affected by SCP-2876 are to be issued Class-C amnestics.

One device containing SCP-2876 is to be held in a deactivated state within Site-77. It is to be regularly activated every 30 days in a controlled environment in order to check for updates and changes to SCP-2876's functionality. SCP-2876's apparent origin point of Portland, OR, is to be monitored by Foundation agents stationed at Site-64 for future activity.


SCP-2876 is a smartphone application titled "Headspace" appearing in web application marketplaces connected to the global public internet. It describes itself as a service making "dreams from the floor to your door" and allows users to purchase customized dreams and microdreams.

The application interface for SCP-2876 consists of a text box allowing the user to request a custom dream. They can also select a length of time for the dream, ranging from a microsecond to 72 hours. Once the purchase is complete, a message will then appear reading "DEDUCTION REDUCTION COMPLETE." The subject will then immediately lapse into REM sleep.

Analytical metadata recovered during containment shows that most of SCP-2876's users average between thirty minutes to an hour of usage at a time, with a small percentage of users utilizing it for the maximum amount of time. Users will describe any dreams they experience as being lucid and relatively accurate to their requests. In addition, subjects report being able to purchase additional dream time while asleep through in-dream menus that appear on command.


Review of SCP-2876 on [REDACTED] app store.

During this time, they are unusually resistant to being awoken and their heart ceases to beat, although other bodily functions continue as normal. SCP-2876-affected subjects utilizing it for longer than one hour will enter a somnambulatory state. Any mechanisms that an affected subject interacts with while in this state will function even if they are not powered. Examples of this activity include:

  • Microwave ovens cooking food despite not being powered.
  • Motor vehicles operating without the engine running, even running if the battery, engine, ignition and steering column were removed.
  • Local area networks will show inactive network-enabled devices accessing hundreds of websites at a time. Testing has shown that there is no upward limit on how long subjects are able to utilize battery-powered devices in this manner.
  • Subjects are able to navigate any darkened area as though it were lit if inactive lighting fixtures are present.

As users of SCP-2876 are frequently engaged in intense physical activities, they do not receive most of the restorative effects of sleep, and will frequently reactivate the application in the hope of getting rest. In addition to these regularly observed behaviors, there are several distinct groupings of SCP-2876 which appear in subjects regularly using long-term SCP-2876. These have been divided by research into four general categories.

Behavioral groups observed in sleepwalking SCP-2876 subjects.
Pattern I, "Observers" Pattern I subjects appear to primarily observe their environment, seeking out mundane objects such as waste bins and street signs. They will attempt to document them through any means available to them. Any markings made on the subjects' body will be removed once they cease to be under SCP-2876's effect.
Pattern II, "Preceptors" Exposing themselves to extreme temperatures, weather, depths and heights, Pattern II subjects focus on sensory excitement. In the short term, subjects may stand in front of opened iceboxes or attempt to touch hot irons. If given time and the opportunity, they will deliberately expose themselves to extreme and dangerous weather patterns such as blizzards or heat waves. They may also spend copious amounts of time running showers with hot and cold water.
Pattern III, "Thrill Seekers" Pattern III subjects behave in a thrill-seeking manner, frequently placing themselves in deliberately dangerous situations. However this type of behavior goes against SCP-2876's documented TOS agreement and will cause the dream to be voided, usually resulting in early termination of the sleep cycle. Occasionally, subsequent resting may involve nightmares about grinding in some form.
Pattern IV, "Consumers" Pattern IV subjects will attempt to eat massive quantities of food in great diversity, usually eating all foodstuffs in the subjects' possession and in longer dream transactions attempting to purchase large quantities of food from local sellers. In addition, these subjects frequently attempt to place anything they can see in their mouths. Subjects are reimbursed for any expenses and purchases during their time utilizing SCP-2876.

If a subject is killed or otherwise seriously injured during their time using SCP-2876, it will delete itself from any devices in the subject's possession. Surviving subjects show no memory of SCP-2876 and will rationalize their behavior if confronted, usually attributing it to drugs and alcohol. All other subjects who have used SCP-2876 will wake up in possession of a business card reading "Thanks for being a great host! We'll be back real soon!"

Addendum: On 01/02/2016, SCP-2876 received the first update documented during containment. Included with this document, it changed minor aspects of the user interface while also implying other functionalities of the application.


  • Improved review system, with sections for body feel, ectoplasmic congruence and accessibility
  • Automatic host tracking and alerts for body availability
  • Better filtering of intent from dream entities inquiring on availability
  • General fixes and dithering about

Any references to a parallel application for incorporeal entities indicated through patch notes included with the revision were taken out in subsequent updates. Further investigation by Foundation agents is ongoing.