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Mourning The World

SCP-2198, as unintentionally photographed by photographer ████ ███████-████████ on ██/██/2007. SCP-2198, visible on the left, has undergone predominant dissipation.

Special Containment Procedures

Outposts 93-A, -B, and -C have been constructed within the Antarctic, directly beneath SCP-2198's original site of manifestation. The area, however unlikely the formation of future instances of SCP-2198 are, is to be continuously monitored both terrestrially from said outposts, and aerially via geosynchronous satellite.

Limited samples of both lacrimal fluid and saliva manifested via SCP-2198 have been collected and amassed at Storage Site-109, within separate containment vats.


SCP-2198 collectively designates several nimbostratus clouds observed to form directly above the Antarctic Circle, and limited areas of China, India, the USA, the UK, Russia, Japan, and South Korea, between the dates of ██/██/2006 and ██/██/2007. All instances of SCP-2198 have since dissipated.

The largest instance of SCP-2198, forming over the majority of the Antarctic Circle, was observed to precipitate frozen human lacrimal fluid, colloquially known as tears. It is to be of note that the basic shape of this SCP-2198 instance appeared to directly correlate with the shape of the ozone hole above the same area.

Secondary instances of SCP-2198, forming above the aforementioned countries, were observed to precipitate human saliva at an above-average speed of 56km/h. Secondary instances of SCP-2198 did not exceed volumes of 200m3, and invariably manifested above factories manufacturing fire extinguishers, air conditioners, solvents, and aerosols.

After secondary instances of SCP-2198 had been identified, the factories beneath were thereupon located; multiple collaborative Task Forces were selectively nominated to isolate the industrial units in question, clear as many traces of saliva as possible, and administer Class-A to -C amnestics accordingly. Similar actions were taken in the Antarctic to collect a limited amount of lacrimal fluid while precipitation from the primary instance of SCP-2198 was still occurring; collection proved less successful due to the fact that the fluid manifested in the form of minute hailstones, either resulting in total pulverisation upon impact against ice, or general loss to the masses of snow within the surrounding area.

Analysis has confirmed the presence of DNA from over ██████ individuals within the stored saliva and lacrimal fluid samples; DNA fingerprint data shows that approximately 97% of individuals identified in this way are deceased, with existing post-mortem documentation either confirming or indicating that cause of death for 92% of these individuals was fatal self-infliction on the date of ██/██/2007. The total number of individuals identifiable from the samples cannot be ascertained due to the aforementioned partial losses of both samples. An additional 2% have been confirmed missing. The remaining 1% have been identified and located, but the majority of individuals have not been approached (see Addendum).