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Shah's Guardian

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-2067 is currently inactive and contained in a concrete-lined steel chamber at Site-88. The chamber has a single entrance that is seamless when closed and only opens from the outside. Conditions that would cause SCP-2067 to enter an active state include the existence of an Iranian leader who has taken the title of Shah, and that this Shah is located within the political boundaries of Iran. Containment is thus predicated on the continuation of Iran's Islamic republic. If a Shah potentially comes to power at some point, Foundation personnel are not permitted to approach this Shah or SCP-2067.

SCP-2067 is still actively sought by the ORIA; knowledge of its location is therefore limited to Level 3 personnel and higher. Testing is neither permitted nor presently possible.


SCP-2067 is an animate non-sapient weapon dating back to the 16th century. It is composed of three sections: a solid mass of cloth wound in the fashion of a turban, 26 centimeters in diameter; a white cloth sheet, about 70 centimeters in length; and a 51 centimeter scimitar blade with an ivory-covered tang. The cloth sheet is joined to the underside of the turban and hangs in the fashion of a robe with an opening at the front. The blade is attached to the end of an ivory chain, roughly one meter long, extending downward from the inside of the turban. The scimitar's curved steel blade has an unusually sharp cutting edge. During periods of inactivity, SCP-2067 hovers at an altitude of 1.9 meters, with its scimitar hanging freely. While inactive it can be moved by hand without provoking a reaction, though it will return to its normal altitude if it is raised or lowered. SCP-2067 has been noted to infrequently scratch short lines from the Quran upon the walls of its containment chamber.

SCP-2067 was recovered from the possession of the Office For The Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts in 2005 following the February 22nd earthquake in Zarand. It was apparently designed by an unknown artisan around 1550 CE to serve as an autonomous defense drone for Shah Tahmasp I of Iran. Historical records recovered with SCP-2067 have noted that the creation of the artifact was neither requested by the Shah nor was its presence desired.

From these historical records, SCP-2067 is described as having been able to sense the location, health and safety of the current Shah. If SCP-2067 sensed that the Shah was being attacked or was otherwise in danger, it would enter an active state. Characterized as overzealous in its defense, the white cloth of its turban would turn into black cloth, and it would wield its scimitar "with the motions of a cobra" to dismember any perceived threat to the Shah within its reach. While active it could move laterally at a top speed of roughly 1.5 meters per second.

SCP-2067 could not accurately distinguish between allies and enemies. When it was introduced to Tahmasp I, it severed the hands of a man standing by him and the entire right arm of a soldier nearby. It then hovered beside the Shah, preventing anyone from coming close. By Tahmasp I's order and with reportedly great difficulty on the part of his men, SCP-2067 was sealed in a cave, where it largely remained until the ORIA captured it in 1980 and contained it at their facility in Kerman Province. The artisan responsible for creating SCP-2067 was imprisoned after his initial presentation of the artifact to Tahmasp I; however, no records as to his death exist.

Records indicate that each Shah between 1550 and 1980 knew of the existence of SCP-2067. Throughout that period, it was intentionally released by order of the Shah six times. Most notably, SCP-2067 was released by Fath-Ali Shah Qajar in 1813, for whom it prevented an assassination attempt, and by Nader Shah in 1747, for whom it did not. At least 90 total casualties resulted from the six incidents. It seems that SCP-2067 was never destroyed because, although it is not organic, it was considered successful takwin — artificial life created with alchemy — and that to destroy it was believed to be an unholy act.

During the Iranian Revolution of 1979, Mohammed Reza Shah ordered that SCP-2067 be released to defend him. SCP-2067 had already entered an active state, however, and is known to have dismembered at least sixteen revolutionaries as it attempted to reach Mohammed Reza on a straight-line path. It became inactive again when the Shah was exiled and left the country. Since the Revolution, Iran has not had a Shah, and thus SCP-2067 remains inactive for the time being.

More recent documentation has linked the unknown artisan with an elderly Tehranian man recovered by ORIA in 2012.