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The Fall of a King

Object Class: Esoteric

Current location of SCP-1095.

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-1095 is provisionally contained on-site at ██████, Texas. The surrounding building is closed off to the public under the cover that it is under renovation. At least two Security Guards are to surround the area to prevent trespassing. Due to the nature of SCP-1095, level 1 security personnel are also posted near the entrance of SCP-1095. A barrier has been constructed around the side of SCP-1095 that is within SCP-1095-1.

Site-156 is established within SCP-1095-1 in order to minimize the chance of an Xi-06 Event. The area is under surveillance to monitor the activities of all SCP-1095-2 instances. Agents and Security Guards are posted by SCP-1095-1's police precinct and courthouse. Personnel are encouraged to assist SCP-1095-2-B instances in intervention of possible Xi-06 events.

Mobile Task Force Xi-06 ("Bixby Hunters") is responsible for handling Xi-06 Events. After a Xi-06 event, witnesses of the event are to be administered Class-B amnestics. Personnel from Site-156 are responsible for determining the new location of SCP-1095. This is accomplished by translocating via SCP-1095 and surveying the new surrounding area. The new location is to be reported, and Containment Specialists will be sent to the area to ensure proper containment.

Information related to SCP-1095-2-B-1 is to be reported to the Site Director of Site-156.


SCP-1095 is a spatial anomaly measuring 3.1m x 3m x 2.4 m, inside the ███████ Tavern, located in ██████, Texas. SCP-1095 exhibits a minor effect on local reality, appearing as slight blurring around the surrounding area.

A subject passing through SCP-1095 will be instantly translocated to a location resembling the town of ████████, ██. (referred to as SCP-1095-1). The location of SCP-1095 inside SCP-1095-1 is inside the town hall of SCP-1095-1. SCP-1095-1 covers an area of approximately 1.2km². Any area beyond SCP-1095-1 is perceived as a white plain, which is domed by an electrical field of unknown origin.

SCP-1095-1 has approximately 70,000 humanoid residents, all of whom are Level 4 Reality Benders (referred to as SCP-1095-2). Instances are capable of manipulating local reality within a 11 meter radius. This manipulation is limited to movement of objects,1 transformation of objects, and spontaneous materialization/dematerialization of objects. Instances cannot directly affect other instances or personnel with these abilities. Most instances are also incapable of manipulating local reality upon themselves, with the exception of instances of SCP-1095-2-B.

Instances are politically divided into three groups:

  • SCP-1095-2-A: Instances classified under this group make up the majority of residents (approximately 68,000). These instances use their abilities for trivial purposes (e.g: opening a door, moving a car, etc.). Attempts to use their abilities beyond this is halted by instances of SCP-1095-2-B.
  • SCP-1095-2-B: Instances classified under this group make up approximately 300 residents. These instances resemble law enforcement, judicial members, and political leaders. In most cases, these instances are noted to use their abilities to enforce order.
  • SCP-1095-2-C: Approximately 50-200 residents are classified under this group. Instances under this group use their abilities with malicious intent. In most cases, intervention of 2-B instances is sufficient enough to contain 2-C instances. In the result that intervention is not successful, these instances escape SCP-1095-1, in an attempt to pass through SCP-1095.

Any instance of SCP-1095-2 passing through SCP-1095 into universal local reality results in an Xi-06 Event.2 During an Xi-06 event, surrounding local reality is heavily disrupted.3 This disruption results in destruction of local reality outside of SCP-1095-1, surrounding SCP-1095.4 After an Xi-06 Event, SCP-1095 will instantly translocate to another location. The location SCP-1095 appears in will usually be inside a tavern or store in a small town.

Discovery: SCP-1095 was originally found inside a tavern in ██████, Nevada. The anomaly was reported to a local police force. An Agent embedded within the force contacted the Foundation, and a provisional containment area was constructed soon after. Shortly after containment, several D-Class personnel were sent through SCP-1095 to determine its anomalous properties.

After subsequent exploration, instances became aware of personnel and greeted subjects. Instances of SCP-1095-2-B engaged with hostility. The D-Class were instructed to leave SCP-1095-1, where an Xi-06 Event occurred shortly afterward. The Xi-06 Event resulted in breach of containment, destruction of the containment area, and numerous casualties. An MTF was dispatched to the area, ending the event by terminating instances of SCP-1095-2 outside of SCP-1095-1. Class-B amnestics were administered to witnesses of the event. After the event, SCP-1095 was missing from its original location.

A test subject remained within SCP-1095-1 during the aftermath. The new location of SCP-1095 was found, and new containment procedures were devised.

Diplomatic relations were established between Foundation personnel and instances of SCP-1095-2. A minority of instances were deemed a threat and became classified as SCP-1095-2-C.


A photo of SCP-1095-2-B-1, who closely resembles former mayor ███████ █████.

Incident 1095-02: Site-156 was established within SCP-1095-1. Agents were embedded within the stores, markets, and other places of occupation. Increased surveillance lead to unrest among residents of SCP-1095. Legislature was passed by instances of SCP-1095-2-B. These laws relaxed surveillance by personnel. However, increased screening for SCP-1095-2-C instances were implemented.

An instance of SCP-1095-2-A was accused of being an instance of SCP-1095-2-C.5 As a result, unrest escalated between residents. Security Guards were placed to calm the unrest in the streets of SCP-1095-1.

The instance of SCP-1095-2-A was convicted and sentenced to two years in prison. Unrest continued to grow among residents. Although no causalities occurred, it was suspected that an Xi-06 Event would happen in response to the conviction. Security around SCP-1095 was heightened.

Incident 1095-45: A press statement was released by SCP-1095-2-B-1.

An agreement was made between the Foundation and instances of SCP-1095-2-B to reform the policy of screening for instances of SCP-1095-2-C. Surveillance decreased, and Security Guards/Agents were limited to posts by the police station and courthouse of SCP-1095-1.

Several weeks after implementation of these procedures, several instances of SCP-1095-2-C breached containment, resulting in multiple Xi-06 Events. Several instances of SCP-1095-2-B passed through SCP-1095 in an attempt to aid personnel in containment. This resulted in extensive destruction of the town of █████, ██, where SCP-1095 was previously contained.

Instances of SCP-1095-2-C were terminated. Instances of SCP-1095-2-B were instructed to go to back to SCP-1095-1. A cover story was established, under the guise that the town of █████ suffered a fire from a nearby forest. Broadcasts and news stories were intercepted to fit this story. Amnestics were administered to the residents of █████. The new location of SCP-1095 was found shortly after, and a provisional containment site was built around the area.

SCP-1095-2-B-5, a close relative of SCP-1095-2-B-1 was missing after the incident.

At the time of documentation, SCP-1095-2-B-5 has not been found.